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Everything posted by WildTurk

  1. Where do you get your stats from? What's the average size of an NFL linebacker? Can you list the linebackers that weigh 275? Are they coverted D-lineman in a 3-4 system?
  2. She has been wearing a big smile on her face
  3. $$$ Talks. There was never a doubt he was coming back
  4. You said the "Iowa board". "They" is one guy posting a hypothetical lineup based on his made up thought? You are reaching as usual.
  5. The Iowa board hasn't penciled in anybody. Don't lie. Pay your debts
  6. I know lots of people that live outside the city that aren't "religious corn folks" I own 90 acres and have never farmed or had an animal other than a dog or a cat.
  7. Chicago is ok to visit. During the day. Definitely not a good place to raise kids or have a safe home.
  8. I know several thousand people in Iowa and most of them are not "corn folks". Most of them don't live on farms, nor have many animals other than dogs or cats. You couldn’t pay me to live in Illinois. That state is ran terribly. Shitshow infact
  9. I stopped reading at "corn folks" Around 5% of Iowa's personal income is from agriculture. I've lived in Iowa my whole life and very few of my fiends and family are religious "corn folks"
  10. Ohio State is cursed.. People have issues with Tom Ryan, but you don't.. Tom Ryan is a whiner.. Jimmy would you do everyone a favor a STFU. Thanks
  11. You just steal thoughts and ideas from other boards and repost it here. Pay your debts
  12. Some of the most corrupt people in this world go to Church regularly. No doubt
  13. Penn state always gets talked up as a college team. Rightfully so. But It's ok to admit they have a lot of douchebag fans. They don't all go to church and praise God. Trust me
  14. The guys who come in 2nd and lose, also pray to their gods I'm guessing
  15. He is a good wrestler and fighter. I'll give you that
  16. 1997 Iowa would have been a juggernaut with NIL and the portal
  17. It would have been cool if 1997 Iowa had NIL and portal transfers. 180+ point team right there!
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