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  1. Lincoln Memorial University Women’s Wrestling Graduate Assistant Reports to: Director of Wrestling Department: Athletics Classification: Graduate Assistant Women’s Wrestling Deadline: The screening of applicants will begin immediately, and position will remain open until filled. Lincoln Memorial University Athletic Department is seeking to hire a graduate assistant for women’s wrestling beginning August 2021. This position offers full tuition for the MBA, MSBA, MED or MSCJ programs, on-campus housing, and 50 meals per semester in the on-campus dining hall. Duties and Responsibilities: Responsibilities include but are not limited to assisting the Director of Wrestling in areas of practice organization, tournament transportation, program administration, fundraising, recruitment, study programs, and other duties as assigned by either the Director of Wrestling or Athletic Director. Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities: LMU Athletics is looking for a graduate assistant with previous college wrestling experience, strong work ethic, good communication skills, creative and innovative ideas, organization, time management, and leadership skills. Qualifications: Bachelor’s degree required; Successful admission to the graduate programs of the University; maintenance of satisfactory progress toward a graduate degree; letter of assignment as a graduate assistant signed by the President of the University. To Apply: Please send a cover letter, resume, and references to Andy Bricker, Graduate Assistant for Men’s Wrestling, at andy.bricker@LMUnet.edu.
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