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Everything posted by headshuck

  1. Sounds like everyone gets a blue ribbon? So with the same analysis, Dake is the worst 4-timer at 141, 149, 157 and 165.
  2. Rubios https://www.latimes.com/business/story/2024-06-03/rubios-coastal-grill-citing-rising-business-costs-abruptly-shuts-down-48-restaurants-in-california
  3. Splendid isolation. I don’t need no one.
  4. Every girl crazy for a sharp dressed man.
  5. Yeah but you probably picked #3 Derek White over true freshman Steveson in 2018.
  6. It’s probably taken several years but I think most people now know for certain that the media misrepresents nearly everything to support their agenda. The media never retracts their misleading stories. There is no trust.
  7. Haha, low price weiners makes the feed.
  8. Who wouldn’t improvise a backwards flip when the script calls for humping your opponent into the ropes?
  9. Yes, it’s literally discussed in the press release.
  10. https://www.foxnews.com/sports/bills-sign-olympic-gold-medalist-wrestler-zero-prior-football-experience
  11. Remember this was before the portal bidding system existed.
  12. Today there’s a discussion of Snyder as an all-time HWT great. But he’s really a big 197. How would the best Snyder do vs Sanderson, Hartung, Hahn, etc?
  13. Possibly by design to send a message to Americans that they don’t care.
  14. Senator blasts federal parks officials for barring American flags in beloved national park https://www.foxnews.com/politics/senator-blasts-federal-parks-officials-barring-american-flags-beloved-national-park
  15. Would Gable want to be around Ferrari every day?
  16. https://www.judicialwatch.org/blm-on-street-near-wh/#:~:text=(Washington%2C%20DC)%20%E2%80%93%20Judicial,nation's%20capital%20was%20over%20%24270%2C000.
  17. I think it all comes down to whose lingerie drawer do you want to dig through? Jill’s or Melania’s?
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