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About CowboyYe2024

  • Birthday May 11

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  1. he will leave for anther school next year
  2. somebody is smoking too much of the za
  3. who are the best options at HWT in the portal right now? If Schultz entered it officially he would end up at Missouri or Michigan depending on Wyatt
  4. Doubt it. Iowa will probably get JB or Cox
  5. thats what I am thinking but I have only seen him wrestle one college guy though
  6. He still will probably go to the RTC
  7. where the hell did OSU get the money for Amine from? Saving up for Alirez?
  8. to end this Convo OSU will hire JB Kyle Snyder Dan Gable fire DT and hire Cael
  9. OSU Iowa will be dope OSU might have a weak ass schedule though
  10. Fun Fact Daton Fix and Cael Hughes HS Resumes are the same 4x HS state champ UNDEAFTED
  11. HELL NO!!!!!!!!!! He is too close with Ben Kueter
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