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  • I love Bob Dole

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  1. Can anyone explain how/ if these changes will effect these levels of wrestling? Are they still working under the same rules as before? Curious what changes we could see here with the new rules?
  2. Im just curious if this means he is done competing, or can he do both?
  3. Curious if anyone knows where you could find a list of D1 teams that are "fully funded" or one that lays out how many scholarships each are working with. I always assumed it was 9.9 or none (Ivy League), but it seems like there is more variance than that.
  4. Is there any reason for why swimming gets so many events and athletes? Is it just simply TV popularity? Is it a governing body issue?
  5. Speaking of this topic, are the entrants set? I thought I had heard something on FRL about Gable possibly still being involved a few weeks ago. Could he still participate? If not is he done for this cycle?
  6. Totally agree with Texas, Florida, and California. Two states with a solid wrestling culture, at least on the youth level would be Kansas and Washington.
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