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  1. 14 B1G teams have wrestling and they usually have 10 or more make the NCAA tourney. We could borrow from football and declare .500 or better conference record to qualify for the NCAA tourney. Would it get the best 33 wrestlers? No. But it may be best for the sport. We want more viewership and that may be a way. You would have more teams and their fans interested in watching. We all know a dual team championship would be smash hit, but that is not allowed by the traditionalist. So maybe a .500 conference minimum to qualify for a wildcard will help. Sure we can stay with what we have and MAYBE our dwindling viewership numbers will miraculously change course. Maybe. I think we are still ahead of the "watching paint dry" viewership.
  2. Dave Winfield. Drafted in football, basketball and baseball where he became a Hall of famer. Bo Jackson? Dion Sanders?
  3. To each their own, but I am not a fan of Brokeback Mtn. Maybe it is a Cowboy thing. I cannot imagine OkieSt is pirating anyone from PSU not already in the portal.
  4. If the portal closed on May 2nd how did Belton enter the portal May 7th?
  5. What's wrong with chasing a bag? These young men have very limited time and options to make as much money as possible within the sport of wrestling. We in the working world often "chase the bag." Capitalism at its finest. Pay me or someone else might. I do not like the fact my fav team could be raided at any moment, but these young men desrve to find the best deal possible. Young men are just suppose to turn their backs on 100s of thousands of dollars just to continue to wrestle for the "home team" then go get a job and try to scratch out a living when they graduate?
  6. The oil related companies employee many many people in the state. They pay taxes, they spend money and pay sales taxes. The oil related companies keep Oklahoma afloat. Be careful how you handle that golden goose. Oil related companies contribute plenty to the economy if Oklahoma. Most of country does not have a revenue problem, they have a spending problem. As far as wrestling and money for wrestlers, embrace it, and work to find a source for your program.
  7. I would love to see him at Campbell U. Their 184 graduated and they have a very solid team returning.
  8. I sincerely do not know. Is the NBA investors (ownership stake of some portion) or has the money given been just a gift/charity? Is the NBA supporting financially as an INVESTMENT?
  9. Make it PSU vs USA match in mid December. PSU starter vs then current highest ranked non PSU. Folkstyle. Matches count on the season record. Fire.
  10. Hendrickson possible landings 1) Gotta have the money, so that cuts it down to about 10 programs. PSU, Iowa, Iowa St, VaT, NCSU, Ohio St, Arizona St all have current options. OkSt has a coaching change and has a hvy. MICHIGAN, Missouri, Minnesota, Nebraska have needs. Who else is an option?
  11. Where is Hendrickson going? He is a "Do not contact" meaning he has already found a new home.
  12. Maybe PSU ahouldn't wrestle any matches until B1Gs. Take the 14th seed at all weights. They are better than everyone else and they wrestle a lot of freestyle. Why bother with in season matches that everyone says doesn't matter anyway? Forfeit all B1G duals, don't schedule any other the competitions show up at B1Gs and just have a two tourney season (B1G, NCAA) and get back to freestyle/international wrestling. It must be boring to wrestle matches vs vastly inferior comp and also making weight twice a week. Just train year round for international competitions and show up at B1G and NCAA and collect the trophy and be done with it.
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