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Everything posted by Fan4Life

  1. The follow-up interview was a bit more revealing in regard to Cael and the PSU coaching staff. It's clear that DT consulted with them before and after the OSU offer, and it was his close relationship with them and his ties to PSU that made it a difficult decision for him to accept the OSU offer. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MFNOLq5wW8c&pp=ygUdZGF2aWQgdGF5bG9yIHByZXNzIGNvbmZlcmVuY2U%3D
  2. Hardy's third place finish continues to be overshadowed by the last minute of his quarter-final match with Mendez. The spladle is now even a topic on the Pat McAfee show as part of a segment with DC. The Most Embarrassing Move In Wrestling Happened In The NCAA Championship... | Pat McAfee Reacts Hopefully Hardy will get as much credit for his overall performance in the tournament and the good-natured way he's handling the spladle attention, as all the razzing that has (and will) undoubtedly come his way.
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