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  1. Does anyone know if Hughes and Blaze have ever hooked up in folkstyle?
  2. Lockett And pretty sure he is locked in with Oklahoma State!
  3. Never mind I remember he also wrestled the penn st dual also, maybe a couple more.
  4. Kueter started at HWT for Iowa for the Oklahoma State dual this year. Is that the only dual he wrestled this year?
  5. I believe Jerry Best wrestled for Central Oklahoma University in Edmond, OK. He went on from there to coach at Allen, TX High School and If not mistaken is still the Head coach there which means he was the coach of everybody's favorite subject currently "AJ Ferrari"
  6. I like this thread topic without the last part of "getting better fit". If we list just wrestler that got worse over their careers, there should be a bigger list. To start I think of Okla state guys like Joe Smith an Wittlake. Who from your school did you see fade in their careers?
  7. 7 Teams sound about par for College D1 wrestling. There has only been 15 D1 College Football National Championship teams in 30 years. And thats with a lot more D1 schools having football than wrestling programs. Here are the last 30 years of D1 Football N. Champs. Georgia, Alabama, LSU, Clemson, Ohio St., Florida St., Auburn, Florida, Texas, USC, Miami, OU, Tenn, Michigan and Nebraska.
  8. ok, ok maybe I'm a little too excited about Hughes taking over for Fix, but Fix seemed to have a hard time there at the end of his career with the younger studs. They seemed to out funk and scramble Fix, like Frost, Bouzakis, Arujau, and Ragusin. I feel like Hughes and Fix both 4X undefeated State Champions are similar but Hughes with a little more funking sh$t in his style. And with Hughes not really having a College resume yet, it is interesting to note that he did beat in high school some of the up and coming high school greats like Sirgio Lemley, Luke Lilledahl, Mason Gibson, Nasir Bailey, Evan Frost and Aden Valencia.
  9. I personally think he's better than Fix!!!
  10. fair enough! I'll just have to refer to this post after Nationals next year to see how accurate my predictions are.
  11. My prediction for next season for Oklahoma state. In parenthesis are where each wrestler was ranked throughout last season and then where I see them finishing at Nationals. 125 Spratley- (10th-12th) 5th-8th 133 Hughes- (redshirted) 3rd-5th 141 Jamison- (8th-10th) 6th-8th 149 Williams- (12th-15th) 6th-8th 157 Travis- (10th-15th) 8th 165 Fish- (need help with his last years ranking) 7th or 8th 174 Hamiti- (5th- 8th) 3rd- 5th 184 Plott- (2nd-3rd) 2nd 197 Carroll- (redshirted) 5th-7th HWT Hendrickson- (2nd-4th) 2nd As you can see I'm a little OSU bias and have all 10 being All Americans. So do you agree with me not being to far off in my predictions? I would love to hear from you all if you think I'm way out of line or am I just wishful thinking.
  12. After Coach DT gets all of his Social media stuff squared away, I think he works on his coming out song before each dual should be "Magic Man" from the old 70's rock band "Heart". Blair is over the loud speakers as the OSU Cowboys come out of the locker room! It would be epic!!
  13. sounds like Caldwell, Fix and might be staying in Stillwater. I'm hopeful for Freestyle Coach Zo sticks around also. Fingers crossed!
  14. And with Cael Hughes at 133, I'm not giving that one to PSU either!
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