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  1. Tbf i think Doucet is the only one that happened to.
  2. He just announced he’s staying at Northern Colorado.
  3. Did Sax have a huge growth spurt? Wasn’t he at 149 last year?
  4. You’re all good man. Happens to the best of us.
  5. McDougald has never been at Lehigh.
  6. Wait does Tarleton have a wrestling team?
  7. I mean I’m not alone either. I get where you’re coming from but Parco isn’t going to win us a title this year and if Williams makes a jump he could be as good or better than Parco.
  8. I’d rather have Williams at 149 than Parco. Maybe if he went 157? Does Fish have a RS left. If he does then Teemer could go 165.
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