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Alces Alces Gigas

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State Qualifier

State Qualifier (6/14)

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  1. Is being athletic give you more cred than winning more titles?
  2. There are several coaches that need to go in for sure. David James and Pat Pecora need in the Hall bit the Hall seems to only care about D1 accolades. 2 NCAA team titles and 661 dual wins for Pecora and 12 team titles for James (5 NAIA and 7 NCAA) should be enough
  3. I've been with tech support for over an host trying to get my password reset. ..they can't get it to work. They sent me.a note saying they will.be reaching out in 24-48 hours
  4. I had a buddy that took over a JC back in the 90s. Great coach but not the most aware of the games tat admin play and the admin knew it. Hire him, drop the program with little or no organized resistance as the coach was not local and had little ties to the local wrestling power brokers. That's why they might hire a new coach
  5. One thing that hurts our sport is the fact that it is very hard to find and see results! There is no one spot where all results can be found. Sometimes the brackets are on Flo, sometimes on Track. Dual results are tough to find! The first place I go is the host school but I find that sometimes the visiting school posts results faster (especially if they win) USA Wrestling results should be found on the USA Wrestling site! Watch the post match interviews from.this weekends last chance tournament, can't hear the questions as they hold the interview within earshot of the gym (this happens all the time at all levels)
  6. You get to see a stud BB player for 6 games (NCAA Tournament) at scheduled times and watching that stud BB player can consume the better part of an evening or afternoon. You get to watch a stud wrestler for 5 matches for 35 min(if he is good, less time than that) total at random times. Stud BB players can come in and save the day with a late game run. Same thing rarely happens in wrestling (stars, moon, starting weight, and team score all have to align for it to happen)
  7. Looks like many of you are not seeing the bigger picture. My concern is how rule can screw up a bracket. Lets say the best kid in the Big 10 gets placed in the 14th spot by this rule, is it right to have him beat the 3 seed 1st round? And then the 2 seed in the semi finals? I for one don't feel it is right to screw over the bracket to right some wrong committed by a coaching staff
  8. Is that policy a good idea? Is it fair to the rest of the bracket? Do the pre-seeds stand? I'm not talking about (only) the 133lb situation but the idea in general. Can a coach gain an advantage by entering late and assuring the 14th seed? What if the late entry was the clear best kid in the bracket? Is it the right thing to do to his first round opponent?
  9. I get tired of folks complaining that PSU has all the money in the world!! 20 years ago they didn't and they have since raised the money. Hawkeyes, Cowboys, and everybody else had the opportunity to raise big bucks and have a great RTC but chose to spend their energy elsewhere.
  10. The Ref is the odds on favorite to succumb to the pressure of the crowd and the Jumping Monkies
  11. Do you guys call Iowa State "Iowa"? Or Michigan State "Michigan"?? Why would you call Ohio State " Ohio"
  12. Not sure if Beard was a mistake. I don't see beard willing any NCAA titles anytime.soon
  13. It will be interesting to see if the NCAA feels they are obliged to follow the exclusionary rule (fruit of the poisonous tree doctrine) or not. Either way a Civil Rights Lawsuit might be warranted.
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