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State Qualifier

State Qualifier (6/14)

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  1. Greco needs to die before it takes down freestyle with it.
  2. Huh? Others do not hold usually hold this stuff back. That’s just not true. It’s literally the opposite. USAW usually posts full matches for free on YouTube. UWW typically lets you watch everything for free outside the US(BC Flo pays them not to). All major sports put “full game highlights” on the internet for free. There’s literally whole TV channels and programs dedicated to show sports highlights. Flo is usually the one keeping stuff behind a paywall, not everyone else.
  3. Because this board is full of racist nationalist types
  4. Care to explain to the class where the “safety issues” for the Israel team stem from then tell me again what it has nothing to do with? Clown. It’s not a politicized statement. It’s a fact. If you want to defend tens of thousands of innocent children and women being brutally killed that’s on you. Have fun with the politicians for eternity. Won’t be me though.
  5. The reason this whole post exists has nothing to do with wrestling. The reason Finesilver can’t try to qualify has nothing to do with wrestling. It’s related to what I said. Either remove it all or stfu about “keeping it to wrestling”
  6. Pretty ballsy of you to imply American politicians are terrorists on this board.
  7. Because he’s good at wrestling…plus maybe a little help from a banned substance according to recent rumors? What does that have to do with anything I said? Is Brooks an American politician?
  8. I have nothing to say in defense of the US politicians supporting the genocide. They will all rot for eternity. As for the individual athletes, there’s a difference to me between actively choosing to represent a country you have a vague connection to that's directly committing the atrocities versus representing a country that you grew up in, and have dreamed of repping your whole life. Finesilver is not Israeli. He made a choice.
  9. Probably shouldn’t have chosen to represent a country that’s actively committing genocide.
  10. Pretty easy answer. PSU fans booed and insulted an American legend in a neutral tournament to represent the country. Iowa fans gave Gable Steveson a standing O after he beat their guy in a college match in their building. I don’t even have to bring up PSU history for this question, but they’re going to win a “who’s worse” competition against any fan base in the country.
  11. Meh, Brooks dominated David. David had nothing for him. He made David looked old and unmotivated.
  12. Jordan was literally paid to do what you’re talking about. He’s the biggest name in USA wrestling. He was hired for a reason. They wanted viewers to know it was JB they were listening to. It’s absolutely hilarious that the PSU fan base is so offended by his innocuous comments, but have no problem defending a POS like Carter saying he’d piss on the grave and spit in the face of opponents. No one is surprised though. This is the same fan base with a rich history of racism, sexism, and bigotry. Plus the whole pedophilia apologist deal. If there’s one fan base in the country that needs to learn to STFU it’s this one.
  13. Is he going to declare the shahādah if Yazdani beats him?
  14. lol this tournament had nothing to do with PSU. These were all Americans wrestling to represent the country. Sorry you and the idiot Pennsylvania fans are too dumb to comprehend that. JB was literally answering a question. He didn’t bring it up. Carter “piss on his grave/spit on his face” Starocci is the one of the biggest trash bags in the sport. You’re all the dumbest hypocrites I’ve even seen.
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