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  1. Heavyweights are a different animal than other weight classes. There weight and how they were able to use it was a big part of the weight class. Now move them into a weight class where there weight was not a skill anymore, but things like quickness, .etc are and that wasn't as well developed a skill as using your weight you can see they will be disadvantaged. I have only antecodel evidence from HS where our heavyweight who was very good, lost a ton of weight and he was no longer as good. When he had his weight loss I was able to wrestle him. I noticed he was slow to move, unable to fight out of defensive positions probably because he never experienced them before. Though he gained a lot in his personal life.
  2. Why is it disqualifying. Tom Ryan does it at Ohio State. A public university.
  3. Vyvanse is not a neutral influence on wrestling. It can only help. People have already mentioned weight management as one aspect. The ability to concentrate/stay focused at task at hand under stressful situations(no sleep, hunger). The person taking vyvanse (very expensive drug) has an advantage to someone who is not. What is he studying for right now that he needs medication to concentrate in school? Is he still taking Vyvanse?
  4. Wow if DT gets the nod. US wins gold. Yazdani believes he can't beat Taylor.
  5. Adderall is a performance drug. Ask the college students who buy it illegally for exams. Maybe DT could have benefited from Adderall, helping him to concentrate and not be distracted by other interests. Either let everyone use it or forbid it. Using it when your opponent can't is cheating. Also I think Yazdani beats Brooks, but loses to DT even with DT being distracted.
  6. The original post was informing about a known American wrestler who will not be attending the last qualifier and what his reasons were. The shared post from Finsilver was just stating facts. The country he is representing will not let him attend because of safety reasons. He did not agree with it or disagree with it, but says he understands. His reason for not being able to wrestle has nothing to do with your statement about Israel committing a genocide. Your statement is a highly politicized statement to say the least. So maybe try keeping your non related wrestling comments to twitter or some other echo chamber you find appropriate or stfu.
  7. Imagine how Wisconsin would be doing if they had damion Hahn as the HC.
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