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lisa morales

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State Qualifier

State Qualifier (6/14)

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  1. A.J. increases female attendance by 50%. He has beautiful hair, and his muscular physique is every woman's dream.
  2. Joe Mauer was a great athlete and a great person!
  3. Port Arthur, Texas. There is a golf course in Falfurrias named after her though.
  4. Babe Zaharias was the greatest athlete...by far. She won gold medals and set world records in track & field, won 10 professional golf tournaments and the women's grand slam. She also played professional baseball (men & women) & basketball. She's in three Hall of Fames and has a U.S. postage stamp commemorating her greatness.
  5. Jordan was an awful baseball player. The only reason he played for the White Sox minor league team was Jerry Reinsdorf owned the Bulls and White Sox. Awkward doesn't begin to describe how he looked and played.
  6. You'd be surprised at the age of Rec Hall fans at PSU. Mostly gray hairs and precious few students.
  7. Mocco didn't like contact in football. Shied away from contact. Same with MMA.
  8. Poor kid is completely brainwashed. Someone did a number on him.
  9. I take a steam with him every Wednesday and he usually is pretty forthright.
  10. So is the New York Thruway, man.
  11. Barraclough is going to Lehigh. He's a great student.
  12. Let me ask my friend Kari Lake, she's usually very helpful with these types of things.
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