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red viking

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  1. If Trump would have been found "not guilty" the 'wingers would have been saying he was vindicated and justice prevailed. If he was found guilty, the trial was rigged. This was all 100% predictable. The 'winger minions are just like Trump. They spin the pretext based upon the outcome.
  2. Democracy is in peril because half the country is actually willing to vote for a felon.
  3. Glad to see that people in this country are waking up to the Israeli brutality and inhumane treatment of the Palestinians, which has actually been going on for decades; not months.
  4. About time. It's a frickin' plant.
  5. I'm glad to see that people are finally waking up to the Israeli brutality and genocide against the Palestinians that has actually been going on for decades. Eventually our politicians will have to stand up to these thugs.
  6. It will (and should) continue to get worse as long as Israel continues with their brutality and mass murder of innocent civilians.
  7. Just saying. If I was a redneck winger I'd be saying "atta boy."
  8. Wrong. 100%. The poor have almost zero disposable income. It's not about how much u make. It should be about how much u have left after paying your basic expenses. That's why the poor shouldn't pay ANY taxes and the rich need to start paying their fair share.
  9. Wed actually be much better off as a country if everybody followed buddhism rather than christianity.
  10. So do other religious texts and non religious texts. Its 99% common sense stuff. Nothing profound.
  11. So do other religious texts and non religious texts. Its 99% common sense stuff. Nothing profound.
  12. Atta boy. Force them to show love for their country. I'm sure that won't backfire.... Only in the deep and dirty scumbag south. What a cesspool...
  13. Don't know what u mean. If you're talking about Hunter I don't really care. Looks like yet another right-wing deflection to me.
  14. Or maybe we simply believe in the constitution and freedom.
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