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Everything posted by NM1965

  1. Glazier was 9-7 as a sparsely used backup prior to this season. This year he's 16-1 with over 70% of his wins by way of bonus, including an 11-2 major over Silas Allred (probably his best win). He doesn't have many "premium" wins with his win over Allred and Surber from OSU probably being his biggest wins. How good is he? The way I see it, Glazier rode the bench behind Jacob Warner, a 5 time All American (including 2020). A lot of really good wrestlers would've rode the bench behind Warner. I remember getting whipped by a "B" team kid back in HS. I was astonished because I was an All State wrestler myself, how could the B team kid beat me? Because he was B team behind a dominant 3 time state champion, who he wrestled everyday in practice. I didn't feel so bad when that 190 pound B teamer only lost to the 4A State HWT champ 4-3 . That said, Warner was not a super dominant champion or anything, but I think Glazier looks pretty solid, especially considering his close match vs a rusty Ferrari. I think Glazier will finish top 5. What do you guys think?
  2. You'd have to lose about 80 pounds first, wouldn't you?
  3. I'd probably dig it. Best case scenario: One of the PSU "all praise to Jesus" guys gets upset in the finals. His opponent is interviewed and says the following in a very rough, evil sounding voice: "Satan is stronger. Hail Satan", while doing the satanic hand symbol. Can you imagine the chatter after that?
  4. I remember seeing scores at the state tournament that blew my mind in the pre-techfall era. I remember a kid from Midwest City beating an opponent 34-9!
  5. I just assumed nearly all the starters were held out to rest up. Oops! I let my FLO subscription lax (and they'll never see another cent of mine again) and couldn't see the interview with Smith
  6. Naw. That wouldn't go over. There are too many fans out there like myself who like folk better because at least in folk the guy who gets the takedown gets a chance to work over the guy on bottom for turns. In FS they get, what, 3 seconds? That's ridiculous. If the NCAA adopted FS rules I wouldn't even bother watching college wrestling anymore, I'd just watch international FS if that happened.
  7. "Lame" is the perfect description of Oklahoma State University.
  8. Askren has always had a big mouth, but I'm old fashioned and can't stand guys who talk shit, I appreciate the old hardnosed style of keeping your mouth shut and acting like you've been there before, you know. I can't stand those guys who praise Jesus after winning either, that's ridiculous.
  9. Probably the fake OSUs like Oregon State or Ohio State.
  10. Keuter was sure a lanky looking dude. He needs to pack on 25 pounds of muscle or so, he'll be nearly unstoppable.
  11. Refs have always installed themselves in matches. Hometown reffing is still a big thing in wrestling, and it was back in my day too.
  12. When I wrestled back in the Pleistocene a guy was expected to work towards back points if he was on top. I've noticed a lot of guys just riding these days and not working for points. That would've been called stalling back in my day. Back then we didn't have techfalls, or 4 point nearfalls, or 3 point takedowns either.
  13. He obviously needs a mullet to top him off You've seen those Poulin videos from when he was a kid? Hehehe
  14. Askren always has something stupid to add to any conversation, doesn't he?
  15. How many teams make the podium? It's 4 isn't it? I think Iowa should easily make top 4 without burning Arnold's RS.
  16. Surely you aren't busting my chops on that. I remember more than once when OSU was ranked over Iowa and got roughed up at the hands of the Hawkeyes. Seems like it happens a lot of the time, actually. Plus the Cowboys seem to nearly always lay at egg at NCAA these days.
  17. Iowa was a lot tougher and a lot better than OSU was, kudos to the Hawkeyes. I knew OSU was, as usual, overrated.
  18. I thought Brands was kicked off the team for gambling or something.
  19. I think the rule is that a guy can keep his RS if he didn't appear in more than 5 varsity matches.
  20. Oh yeah, I forgot about Voinovich. This will be like a homecoming for him. He was at OSU for 2 years I think.
  21. Lehigh is usually pretty tough. Any win over those guys is definitely a plus.
  22. Brands is definitely more animated.
  23. Mizzou resting nearly their entire lineup and getting demolished by NIU 30-6 made me think: If PSU's starters were all unavailable, where wound PSU's 2nd team be ranked? How about Iowa? How about NU, and so on?
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