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Griff the BullRam

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  • I love Bob Dole

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  1. Match 3 of the 2017 World Team Trials Finals. You can't actually see it in the video, but after the match, Taylor kicked a brick and Cael set a chair on the stage. J'Den injured his knee early in the third, and DT and Cael weren't happy with the officiating the rest of the match.
  2. 5% pleasure 50% pain And 100% reason to remember the name
  3. Mizzou backups were at an open on Saturday and didn't have anyone at 133 for the dual. Gioffre supposedly got hurt in warmups, hence the backup at 149. Overall, not a great performance by Mizzou. Also, have to give credit where credit is due, and the Cowboys went out there and made Mizzou look as bad as they did.
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