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  1. shocking and awesome for him. its good for wrestling too. it would be impossible for someone to go into baseball, golf or basketball without ever doing it before. same with d back or qb. it proves that being an o lineman or d lineman is a low skill undertaking.
  2. When I was growing up, we passed an Iowa Public Television broadcast of Iowa vs. Iowa St. around our team like it was a sacred text. Seeing D1 wrestling and international wrestling was not easy. I have to think that the increased access to high level wrestling content has a direct impact on the increase in super talented high school kids that we are seeing. Wrestling is a monkey see monkey do sport, so the more of us apes that get to see whats working at the highest levels, the more that trickle down can be seen across age groups. Flo is far from shady and when you create a ton of content, some of it will suck. My only beef with them is the top 100 series they've been doing because its just plain insane where they have these people ranked.
  3. Less puffy drunk face assistant coaches in the corner, for starters.
  4. he would do great in MMA, but has no charisma.
  5. Steveson has no shot at making an NFL roster and he won't be back wrestling at the NCAA level. I bet we see him on the senior circuit soon though because he doesn't have anything else to do and he will want that stipend money.
  6. "Seth will be training talented wrestlers for the highest levels of national and international competition, in addition to being able to focus on his own training on the path to his dream of becoming an Olympian." Bono never struck me as an austere scholar, but someone should tell him what "focus" means.
  7. They've had elite guys, just not more than 1 or 2 at a time. The fact that they have had people like Franklin Gomez and the Simmons brothers find success there proves that it is possible. Roger Chandler's bio says he is entering his 27th season with Michigan State. I think its time for some new blood. The facility excuse is the mantra of mediocrity.
  8. MSU needs a new coach. It's that simple. The right person can turn that dumpster fire into a competitive program. They aren't developing people. Saldate was the same level all 4 years. What is the East Lansing Strangler up to these days?
  9. They haven't been in the top 20 once in the past decade at NCAAs. They've had 4 all americans in that timeframe. Borelli was good in the late 90s and early 2000s but let's not pretend they've been anything close to good in a long long time.
  10. when Starocci wins his 5th next year, is he at the top of the list?
  11. He is unpoachable through 2030. https://pennstate.rivals.com/news/penn-state-wrestling-lands-asher-cunningham-son-of-assistnat-coach
  12. MMA has a huge pool of talent to choose from. They don't care about getting the best, they care about entertainment value of their fights. Wrestlers win, sure, but the UFC doesn't need them to be successful. Dana White isn't going to put a single penny into wrestling and even if all D1 programs went belly up, he would make the same money. Where is the return on their investment? There isn't one.
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