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Everything posted by ionel

  1. Can you link to the original prediction thread, I can't seem to find it. I know I changed mine after Wkn gave permission given the Arnold Kueter possibility but wasn't reflected in Wkn's final table.
  2. Back to original OP since there appears to be uncertainty regarding the facts. Where would minnow get the pics and why would he post them. Isn't medical info private and especially when talking about a student athlete?
  3. Maybe you are asking the wrong question(s)? The only other I see is maybe giving him more experience for that last dual meet of the season against OSU, they're gonna need those points. But sure I'd put more money on post season.
  4. BTN for you, they've got important stuff to show like replays of women's badminton.
  5. Forgot to mention: take the CB cinnibucks with also. Think I miss the Cinnabon already ... ... maybe not. I expect he will be back as FerrariFlip any time now.
  6. ... all out of pastries ... guess I'll be having eggs this morning.
  7. Maybe Jimmy should take all his Jimmys with him start a new forum called jimmy.com. They can take their money with them, we don't need any jimmymoney, jimmoney, jmoney etc over here. Take your money with you and bet between/amongst the jimmys. I'm sure @BobDole can confirm he is still here.
  8. I actually thought they'd wrestle him just to get more experience for a chance to beat OSU end of month. No I wouldn't call it a duck since he is in redshirt and would make no difference in the meet, rankings or otherwise. But it could've been a pretty duck.
  9. Will JimmyCinnabon go with him? They are kind've a pair. Would hate it if they had to split up.
  10. Looks like the little weasel, is out of here.
  11. There's gotta be a loophole. Jimmy wouldn't take that bet without a loophole.
  12. Everyone gets ice-cream at the break, their tongues are frozen 2nd half.
  13. Don't know about that but at least he never said "pinfells."
  14. Brooks looks too short, dudes gonna get his butt kicked.
  15. Now we know why he asked for the brick, it wasn't knowing the rule was it know?
  16. Hey now ... thats Mr. Knucklehead to you sir.
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