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Everything posted by ionel

  1. Brick Beer Break brought to you by Miller Light.
  2. I must've miss heard, thought he said: hee haw!
  3. Yes why can't B10 announcers just call the match, that goes for sparky also.
  4. @MPhillips would say: "that's what she said"
  5. Have you read the rules?
  6. Sorry to hear this, liked the kid since grade school.
  7. I struggle to know if LJB is sincere ... he never seems to finish his sentences ... if you know what i mean ...
  8. The 6 horses yes the Pinto may have flamed out a bit in this one but he'll be in the mix for the next stampede.
  9. Look to me like on his knees right after Pinto in front like it was a hard snap down, but I don't know if hit head on mat or Pinto knee.
  10. This looked like just a snap down, correct?
  11. Thought he meant Yawnni
  12. Pinto is just getting warmed up, he's gonna burn thru the back side of the bracket. Sure Romero put out the flames but he's now out of retardant, one more switch and Kaleb was burt toast. No way he wants to run into Pinto at NCAA. Pinto's ready to explode kid's on fire
  13. Can you see the radio on lionvision?
  14. Well I brought my nice LED in from the bike trainer room, set it next to the plasma announced it was wrestling weekend, but had to negotiate 2nd half of Chelsie match. Let me know how your plan works out or if it bites you, maybe I'll try it tomorrow.
  15. Two big screens going, for some reason the b12 screen is showing soccer right now but I successfully negotiated full rights to both TVs starting in 25 min.
  16. didn't a byrd just roll a turtle?
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