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Everything posted by ionel

  1. If you are gonna lose isn't that the best time?
  2. They have refused to listen over and over again. Its one thing they do well.
  3. Well if not the world pretty sure the board does ... or at least thought that's what MP said.
  4. I beat a guy who lost to Mark Spitz, it was however a bike event. Same guy was expected to win a tough Tri event, instead got 2nd to some new comer teenage punk name Lance A something.
  5. They don't weigh in till 7 local so isn't that like 10et? I say in the next hour (registration just comple) or will be ~8am local time. Of course when Flo will be working and all are able to access brackets is a completely different question.
  6. How would we determine this? Stop the match for review and decision by a jury of peers, each wrestler gets 2 minutes to state their case on why they should deemed to have initiated the move?
  7. Ticketbastard or Ticketbiscuit ... only nhs knows for sure.
  8. Twitter is no more, there is no such thing, its gone by the way of pinfall. Do some eXtra research.
  9. No one advertises on Twitter anymore. Its kind of like trying to observe the mysterious pinfall, it just doesn't exist.
  10. So more neutral wrestling, you should be happy.
  11. My plan has been to start my one month subscription in the morning before tournament start. If Flo is down and can't subscribe I'll be more happy than if subscribe and then Flo is down for the tournament.
  12. I wouldn't worry about it, they are probably just testing their crashes before the big tournament.
  13. Everyone knows you were there early setting up data collection methods.
  14. Here's hoping Wkn will be in a good mood and share a bottle in March.
  15. Can we check with @BobDole to see if there should be a Jimmy quota on these here boards?
  16. It is for mspart cause his furnace went out. He's living the green dream!
  17. mspart said its cold in the PNW today. Now I don't know how that fits with climate change but it doesn't sound like global warming.
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