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Everything posted by ionel

  1. Then it should be easy to prove that this: is fake and there is no meeting next week. Whoever is reporting this fake news should be held accountable.
  2. I know nothing about this issue but who is "they?" According to the statement posted: "In case you missed it, Georgia has confirmed 17,852 INVALID votes ... " Am assuming Georgia is a state not a person so it should be very easy to confirm whether the state of Georgia did in fact confirm this quantity of invalid votes.
  3. Can you name those schools along with their revenue and expenses?
  4. Anyone else think he looks sucked down to 174? Assuming guy in row below him is the new heavy. Odd none of the wrestlers are eating ice cream.
  5. ftfy ... the e goes on the east side, making it easy to remember for guys like MP ... wOSU ... OSU ... OSUe ... its kindve like reading left to right or west to east.
  6. C'mon Wkn ... don't you believe in diversity? We need a fair share of contemptible POSs in society.
  7. His predictions are set in concrete they are rock solid.
  8. Jimmy doesn't even know what GOAT stands for.
  9. This is correct but we are on a sticky thread and talking about: fake jimmygoats
  10. Slightly different direction, watching v-ball and a NCAA commercial during break showed the clip of The Gable flip. Surely Steveson gets paid each and every time they show his flip image. Does anyone know how much per flip $10k, $50k, more?
  11. My grandmother made her own candles and would approve of this post.
  12. Seeing no questions about eating monkey I figured it wasn't a legit quiz and didn't complete.
  13. Fr each year for 5 years. Obviously not everyone is getting it maybe not even more than 1, but it's out there.
  14. Lots of guys wrestled up and moved around for duals during this era correct? There were also many years when different weight class NCAA tournament vs dual season.
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