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Posts posted by ionel

  1. 10 minutes ago, mspart said:

    Well, the incumbent will get his party's vote mostly.   And the challenger will get his.   And usually the incumbent wins.   We need stronger challengers in the primaries that can oust those incumbents.   We have Maria Cantwell and Patty Murray.   Both should be out by now.   But we just voted back in Murray for her 5th or 6th term.   She is no good.   But no one will challenge her in the D party.   And being that WA is mostly D, she gets elected.



    Can you explain Maxine Waters

    • Bob 1
  2. 4 hours ago, nhs67 said:

    The weight class is the weight class.  Giving him the benefit of the doubt, despite Steveson having more dominant seasons against better competition because he lacked size shouldn't be a consideration when talking 'Best HWT Ever' in collegiate wrestling.  The weight class is 285lbs, not 285lbs* (with an asterisk meaning that if you are a smaller heavyweight you get more benefits of the doubt).

    But did he ever wrestle D1 @ 184 or 197?

  3. 22 hours ago, Mr. PeanutButter said:

    some pretty cool items up on the silent auction. I'm eyeing the cruise so @ionel dont be trying to drive up the bids just to irritate me

    When do you get on the cruise? 

  4. 2 hours ago, mspart said:

    Term limits for Congress would be good but it takes an Constitutional Amendment to do that, and guess who is not going to do that?  Congress of course.  

    Congress ain't supporting any of this.   And the states already tried to limit congressional terms and were turned away by SCOTUS.  So 2/3 of the states have to get a convention going and 3/4 of them have to agree on the amendment.   Tall order.


    If congress won't support it we will just vote them out of office, its simple.  🙄

    Somehow we got Presidential term limits thru the process but maybe we the people were smarter back then.  Is it ok to say maga to this? 

  5. 1 minute ago, juniorvarsity said:

    Good problems to have, my ass. Two big time recruits missing out on a year of eligibility. 

    There should be no limits on eligibility years.  If a kid wants to stay in college till he/she is 55 who is the NCAA to say otherwise.  Somebody needs to sue.  🙄

  6. 24 minutes ago, mspart said:

    Rasta is right that we the people can change our Congress people anytime we want.   But we don't.   Hence all the incumbency.   The parties don't really give us that choice.   It will take independent folks to primary challenge the incumbents or party favorite.   But what sane person wants to do that.   Too much intrusion in to personal lives makes it not worth the effort.   Fundraising also makes it not worth the effort. 



    1 minute ago, WrestlingRasta said:

    That question has been answered in this very discussion, and I don't believe you truly have to ask it, you know exactly who we is.

    Or it might be easier if we demand passing term limits.

    • Fire 1
  7. 7 minutes ago, JVStateChamp said:

    I am perfectly fine with not assuming that Gable would have won that year, I am more in favor of Snyder having a better career. But when you list accolades it is important to add the caveat that Gable did not have the opportunity of a national tournament in one of his four years. 

    But he did, he was still eligible to wrestle another year and chose not to. 

  8. 12 minutes ago, JVStateChamp said:

    Their careers are very similar Snyder is a 4x finalist and 3x Champ, while Gable is a 2x Champion and has a 3rd place finish (I would also assume that had the 2020 year happened Gable would have won) But there is definitely an argument to be made that Snyder is the best heavyweight. 

    I always assumed if Hutton had a different ref finals Jr year he would've won thus no one would've cared about Cael and Penn St would still only have one title.  🙄

  9. 10 minutes ago, Wrestleknownothing said:


    • Steve Mocco - this one might come with a caveat. He is already in the HOF as a Glen Brand honoree (for wrestlers from Iowa) and a Dave Schultz honoree (high school). Maybe the Brand and Distinguished Member are mutually exclusive?

    Who have you got?

    did Mocco win anything?  

  10. 2 hours ago, Lleynor said:

    However, would you say he's the greatest 184 of all time? 197? 


    2 hours ago, Lleynor said:

     Cael as the greatest Collegiate Wrestler. 

    Well Uetake might have something to say about that.


    BTW: thought this was a Sanderson 184/197 thread, what happened?  🙄

  11. 3 hours ago, WrestlingRasta said:

    We do have term limits…..WE THE PEOPLE.  We don’t exercise them because going against the grain and standing up is tough. Blaming is easy. Just look at this non wrestling topics board.  Blaming is very easy. 

    Not really.  Take for example the good senator Bob Dole.  The state of Kansas doesn't have a lot of power and influence only 6 reps in the House but of course 2 Senators.  But when you've got a senator with as much seniority and experience as Dole you'd be crazy to replace him with a new freshman GOP senator.  Look at where the state is now.  And when Dole was senator they weren't getting stupid wealthy off of serving.  Just like NIL its a completely different ballgame now regarding the money.  But if you had term limits, let's say two term for senate, then you are always looking for the new one to bring up and no state is getting these crazy out of balance old guy/gal power positions.  

    • Bob 1
  12. 2 hours ago, Truzzcat said:

    Stanford has a team next year

    125: Provo

    133: Tyler Knox

    141: Aden valencia

    149: Jaden abas

    157: Daniel Cardenas 

    165: Hunter Garvin 

    174: Lorenzo Norman 

    184: Jack Darrah

    197: Nick Stemment 

    285: Probably not good


    Will be interesting to see their schedule.

  13. 8 minutes ago, WrestlingRasta said:

    Imagine if more people were actually offended by the idea of either one of these two corrupt pieces of shit being in charge for the next four years, instead of only being offended by the one their screens tell them to be offended by.  

    ‘We the people’ might actually take a step toward exercising the power we actually have. 

    Plenty of folks are offended by both and there are good candidates in both parties.  By not having term limits everything is controlled by the old long timers.  The system ain't working the way it was designed, govt got too big and too much power controlled by those who have been there longest.  Look what happened to Bernie and Tulsi.  

    Of course if we could each find our own secluded wood shack with a fire pit and endless supply of fresh meat & Red Stripe then we wouldn't have to worry about this crap.  🙂

    • Fire 1
  14. 1 hour ago, braves121 said:

    Trump literally said in an interview 2 days ago that he never said lock her up. that is current news



    I quit reading at the first paragraph.  30,000 lies, thats 1 every hour for 4 years.  No one is even listening to what he says every hour of every day much less have time to fact check it.  And how did it come out to a nice round 30k if they were counting every one?  

    • Bob 1
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