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ionel last won the day on June 4 2024

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  • I love Bob Dole

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  1. I'm saying he doesn't win a match.
  2. But did he ever wrestle D1 @ 184 or 197?
  3. When do you get on the cruise?
  4. If congress won't support it we will just vote them out of office, its simple. Somehow we got Presidential term limits thru the process but maybe we the people were smarter back then. Is it ok to say maga to this?
  5. There should be no limits on eligibility years. If a kid wants to stay in college till he/she is 55 who is the NCAA to say otherwise. Somebody needs to sue.
  6. Hey now ... this is my "assumption" not yours.
  7. But he did, he was still eligible to wrestle another year and chose not to.
  8. I always assumed if Hutton had a different ref finals Jr year he would've won thus no one would've cared about Cael and Penn St would still only have one title.
  9. Yes Well Uetake might have something to say about that. BTW: thought this was a Sanderson 184/197 thread, what happened?
  10. Who is this we, who had the power to vote Nancy P out in California? Perhaps it only takes a small southern California fly to guarantee such?
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