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Tony Rotundo

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  1. I think we need to modernize slip throws in both FS and GR. It's one of those things that we've had around for so long, we're kind of blind to the gaming of the ruleset. I recently brought up slips to a group of officials, bc a kid at Last Chance hit five slips in a match. It was ridiculous. My question was, "After the second slip, shouldn't the offender be warned just like passivity (caution and then one)?" I then brought up the idea of slips just going away. Instantly the officials said "No, then no one will take a chance at a throw!" That's old rhetoric. That's thinking like it's 1980. I don't buy it. I get there are rare cases where it's actually a slip, but that's probably 10% of the time. At the very least, I think after the second slip, you get a verbal, and after that it's a point. That's a start. But I also think they should just be removed for FS. As for greco, they should be called passivity more frequently. It's SO obvious when they are faked, call that shit! It's not good for the style.
  2. I'm not sure about a PSU bias, but I will say, in general, the officiating was sub-par at OTT. I know this is vague, but it just wasn't sharp and at an OTT level around confidence, mechanics, subjectivity, and decision making. I know were cycling through some of our (very good) officials, and there are newer folks on the call, so maybe it's growing pains?
  3. Based on watching (and seeing in my photos) a LOT of singlet grabs, the Valencia call would never be called by the mat official oversees. And upon review, it would have been considered incidental and a verbal warning. There's no way that's called at Worlds. Who needs a verbal warning even, when you can just get in there and tell them to knock it off? lol
  4. Hopefully Amit is at full strength (and belief) at 68. She didn't look as dominant this past weekend as we've seen her. I believe she can win gold in Paris, hopefully the time until August will be to her advantage.
  5. At OTT? I mean, he does that at every event. But I don't find fault with him for that. Who were the people he was sprinting past, and why would that matter?
  6. Looks like a TD with time left. Chamizo turns the corner, knee down, time on clock. Matt official calls 2.
  7. -what is your normal reaction to sitting next to a star, say David Taylor, rulan,JB "Hey buddy!" lol (I joke, I know them.) - do the biggest stars in our sport take commercial flights? They ain't flying private unless someone bankrolls that! So yes, 99% of the time they take commercial flights. I'm sure some of them have enough miles to fly first class, or someone offers them their seat in first class. I know some get bumped to first class by the pilot since they just won the Olympics, or Worlds. Fangirling is a thing in all sports or with actors, I think the approach is be respectful of their privacy and time. Read the room, if they want to talk they will, and when they are ready to stop talking they will give you the cues to stop talking. Like falling asleep.
  8. To be more specific, Ludwick said in his depo that he believed Sanger used a warrantless geofence (Kabana) to collect data, so he and other agents are backed away from it, but not before interviewing athlete(s) who confessed. "After Sanger noticed that people opened online betting apps inside the dorm, according to the motion, his superiors rejected his request to investigate further. Sanger still allegedly probed the athletics building, as well. When the software revealed that people inside the building opened betting apps, according to the motion, Sanger’s bosses gave him permission to conduct a broader investigation. [It's crazy that his "bosses" didn't know/ask if he had a warrant. This could be a gray area in the law around geofencing (monitoring of account records).] Sandy's motion Tuesday echoes that claim, saying Ludwick in his deposition testified he believed the DCI had conducted an illegal search of online account records without reasonable suspicion or obtaining a warrant to limit the search's scope. Ludwick testified that "numerous" DCI agents have likewise refused to participate in what they believe is an illegal investigation."
  9. Wait, Hidlay is not top five? Who do you have ahead of him?
  10. Speaking of concealed identities, Benjamin Hyles (Hylighter Photography)...That's a lot. But as they say, "Superfluity does not vitiate." Are you saying neither Richard nor I deserved photographer of the year? And "the dead guy" was beloved and committed his life to amplifying the sport quietly through his photography. If you're so base as to attack that, you're not selling yourself to the community very well. "At any time, have you asked Tony to change thumbnails?" No, but he has remarked that my nails are very well kept. "Have you issued any advisories warning people not to credential Tony?" Funny story...This one time, Jason issued an advisory that if I fart again in his car he's calling metro police. "Have you reported Tony to law enforcement?" See above. It was a close call. "Have you reported Tony to SafeSport?" Pourquoi? "To your knowledge, is Tony heterosexual, homosexual, or something else?" Oh, I'm something else, let me tell ya! At least that's what everyone says.
  11. Hey, Benjamin Hyles (AKA Hylighter Photography), you can come out from behind your curtain. There's no need to hide anymore.
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