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  1. Somewhat surprised the football coaches would let him spend a year of eligibility (his football redshirt was taken last year) on wrestling...he is a football counter, after all. (by rule)
  2. I suspect I have a better chance of being named Chief Rabbi, Pope, and Grand Ayatollah, all on the same day.
  3. Not to my knowledge, but it's well known that he isn't a huge fan of Stutzman.
  4. They're at seven and nine, actually. Remember, the track and fields count twice. Also, one of those seven is football, an enormous-roster sport.
  5. Right answer, but two wrongs do make a right in this case. The minimum number of sports for an FBS school is 16, but Buffalo is right at that minimum, because indoor and outdoor track and field count separately for both men and women. That said, there’s nothing stopping them from adding a sport, and then dropping wrestling, such as a certain school in Norfolk that shall remain nameless did…
  6. Bloomsburg, Lock Haven, and the PennWest schools (Clarion and Edinboro) all have the option of simply dropping to D-2 if they so desire, they don't have to drop the sport entirely.
  7. So if Colorado State needs a wrestling coach, Troy would be their guy?
  8. Weren’t those Pritzlaff and Frayer’s last two years on the staff?
  9. And added men's soccer and golf, citing "alignment with their conference rivals". Then, to make sure they completely couldn't add wrestling later (presumably), added men's swimming and diving, a sport that they can likely never be competitive in, on his way out.
  10. Hey...that Boise State baseball team lasted a grand total of 14 games (not seasons) before being cut themselves! As far as Alberts, he cut UNO the night they won the Division II national championship (not an exaggeration).
  11. You used to actually lose all of your team points. That was changed in the 2011 offseason after LeBlanc had all of his team points deleted for missing weight on Day 3.
  12. Didn’t Kenny Jordan miss weight on Day 2 his last year at Nebraska?
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