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lightweight last won the day on December 3 2023

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  1. I don't think that most people from Waynesburg, PA could find Hofstra on a map. No knock on Hofstra (or Waynesburg for that matter), it is just geography.
  2. Tiger Woods's girlfriend thought she could continue to live in his house after they broke up because she had an "oral tenancy". I'll let others insert the obvious misspelling.
  3. Great list, thanks for compiling it. And a little trivia, the 2023 winner was coached by the 2008 winner.
  4. The OP might have been thinking about his brother, Jesse Owens, who tech-falled Hitler.
  5. Multiple millionaires in the Football Assistant Coach Club.
  6. Probably had trouble hearing you with those epic cauliflower ears he had.
  7. I agree with this, but I like having Rock as a third announcer to go to for rules questions. Golf now does too, and while you're don't need them often, when you do it is very helpful and helps the other announcers keep from showing their ignorance of the rules.
  8. I criticized Starocci for his gangsta post on the platform formerly known as Twitter, so I was surprised, and a little impressed, when he singled out his PSU trainer on national television to credit him for being able to recover enough to win a national championship. I'm sure there are plenty of trainers out there who do a great job every day for very little public recognition.
  9. He (and all sideline reporters) should stop asking "What does this win mean to you?" Asinine question. What are they going to say, 'Oh, I've been training my whole life and sacrificing chances to try lots of other life experiences and I've suffered injuries just for this goal, but hey, it was no big deal to win today.' Ask a sport-related question.
  10. That could work. And is more specific to the match in question.
  11. I wish there could be, but I don't see how they would implement it. Especially with the possibility of some technical problem with the video or communicating with the third party reviewer. As a step in the right direction, though, there should be a cost to the coach to throw the brick. Now, when you have one brick and only one wrestler in the session you might as well throw it, since the worst that happens is that you can't throw it a second time. I'd like see them get the brick back if the challenge is successful, but lose a team point if it is unsuccessful, similar to football coaches losing a timeout for unsuccessful challenges.
  12. Thanks for posting. Crazy that that was scored as zero points.
  13. 5-10 years for armed robbery, with no time off for good behavior
  14. Even though I get it that these guys get advised to establish their "brand" before transitioning to UFC, or the villain role in WWE, I still find it tasteless. Although it is highly unlikely, I would love to see Welsh sudden victory Starocci into just another NCAA footnote.
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