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  1. Yet still a good drive to reach the beach.
  2. Gonna throw in an old school name from the Pre-WWII era. Charlie McDaniel was a 2x Champ, 1x Runner Up, and a member of the Olympic team during his college time.
  3. Same ownership group but ran separately. WWE executives likely made a decision to dropped him without any input from the ownership group.
  4. I’d want to think Taylor would want to keep at least one of OK St assistants or at least a RTC coach on staff for legacy recruiting and team retention. But who the best option to bridge that gap? Then obviously the next question is where is the next stop off for the rest of the OK St staff.
  5. Real question is what happens to the hobby farm? Some of those animals may not be built for the OK climate.
  6. I’ve said forever that if it looks like a clear slip then continue wrestling where you end up without awarding points to either wrestler. Ref can signal the “slip” to nullify any points being awarded, but if you end up on bottom afterward then you just have to deal with defending the position you are now in. Most slips, at least at a nine international level, are due to a lack of a solid position and technique anyway, so if you don’t want to end up on bottom after then improve on your position and technique.
  7. He seemed like the lead candidates to take over from the start. This move keeps continuity with the program with current wrestlers and he should be able to draw in some decent in-state guys too. Rough being a mid-major these days, hopefully Bennett can keep the Chips rolling.
  8. Sancho’s or Coleman’s family must be right next to the announcers booth.
  9. Well we are in the era where the athletes can openly leave pretty easily too if they have other attractive options.
  10. https://www.espn.com/mma/ufc/story/_/id/39881399/cauliflower-ear-ufc
  11. Seems like Duke missed out on a heck of a branding deal by not locking him in.
  12. I was really under the belief he had one more good season left in him as the head coach. The team still looks decent, doesn't have the headache of Ferrari anymore, and had Scott riding shotgun to help take on some of that daily coaching grind. In true "Cowboy" fashion he just decides to ride off into the sunset of the off season rather than taking one last farewell tour. Still one heck of a career as a competitor and coach.
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