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NCAA All-American (12/14)

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  1. Mike McCready UNI In 1972 Mike won the Division II National Championship and then followed that up with a third place finish in the Division I field (his only loss coming in the semi-finals to Iowa State’s Chris Taylor). Not a “one-sport athlete”, McCready also won a national shot put title and is still the only two-sport All American at UNI. 15 Freestyle/Greco Roman National titles 1975 Pan Am Gold Medalist 1973, ’75, ’76 World Cup Silver Medalist 1976 Olympic Trials Champion Glen Brand Wrestling Hall of Fame Division III Coaches Hall of Fame UNI Hall of Fame for wrestling and track Division II Hall of Fame Upper Iowa Hall of Fame
  2. What about Greg Wojciechowski from Toledo?
  3. You are correct! I did enjoy the few moments Rutgers being in the conversation.
  4. There is a topic to this conversation? Crap, I was just glad it wasn't PSU, Iowa, or Okie State talk. I think there are other college wrestling teams. Yeah, not much to talk about with most of the "others". I guess I will just go back to work. I can't wait for October. SIGH.
  5. Yeah when the camera pans the crowd, it almost looks like the crowd at an NBA game.
  6. I too wouldn't say that I was "missing it Bob"!
  7. So here is my pipe dream event for this coming season, a quad with....Penn State, Okie State, Iowa, Iowa State. Each team gets 3 duals in a single day! The name of the event...The Fans Duals! Yes, I know that it won't happen but my TPS reports are late and I am not motivated enough to get on them. Have a great day!
  8. Thank you! I was not aware the he was a backup DT at OSU!
  9. I don't think he was a backup. He was one of the few who competed for Iowa and Okie State. He was not able to win it all while wearing black and gold, but was able to win it all while wearing black and orange. There have been a few articles written on the few guys that have been center stage at both of those historical programs. To me, it is quite interesting.
  10. It isn't the normal path taken by D1 coaches.
  11. Here is a list of available coaches that Willie put on X: Chris Perry, Coleman, Mike Evans, Mark Hall, Tyler Berger, and Hayden Hidlay. I am not sure if his list was created before Mark took the Dir of Wrestling Operations at OU. Is Mike Evans out of a job or just available?
  12. How many other D1 college coaches have taken the Director of Wrestling Operations job, before becoming a Head Coach?
  13. I hope you are right. If they don't make it work, Texas will never get another D1 program.
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