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  1. NFL was rough on QBs back then too. None of the Brady rules, etc. I think he said he'd play NFL if he was picked in the first round. No one was willing to do it, but they may have been scared he'd choose basketball anyway. NBA contracts are guaranteed all years, NFL not so much.
  2. What about Charlie Ward? Won the Heisman, then played 10+ plus years in the NBA. Underrated achievement IMO
  3. But God... and the bible. https://youtu.be/S9AWIhOwlmo?si=4ZI3IKvvlRuHlKLR
  4. I just don't think it's a very good troll post dude. Like literally one of the lowest effort troll posts ever. So I disagreed with your dumb ass statement that it was great one lol. And then you took it weird.
  5. No dude, I totally understood the nuance of that post.
  6. A good troll post will actually make you think then say, "ahh you little ***duck**er", or something like that. This was just you guys jerking each other off.
  7. He's def autistic. So, def not. That weird signal he made when he got an escape at the end of 2nd period.... Sorry I don't agree with stall calls that will put a lesser wrestler in the match.
  8. It gets kinda bad when they talk about wrestling too haha.
  9. Made me think of Garrett vs Delgado NCAA final. Not both great double leggers, but Nahshon hit some incredible double leg shots, and Delgado funked out of them all. Delgado would probably lose with todays rules, neutral danger etc, but I'm def watching this match now. https://youtu.be/7zaLdXWLgSQ?si=tVadmbpfDVotuXrS
  10. You may be right. Was thinking Ferraris size will let him slow it down a bit and make it real tough for Brooks to finish on him. But Brooks is one of the best in the world, and its hard to see anyone slowing him down.
  11. I think it will be close with Brooks. I'm thinking they split in the regular season, then Brooks takes it at NCAA's. Hidlay is in the mix at this weight too imo. And could get the 1 seed if they split.
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