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Everything posted by Tripnsweep

  1. Can someone explain what happened with Woods/Vasquez? My feed died.
  2. One match at a time. But Figs looked good and will definitely be a challenge.
  3. I know people who have done more and rarely talk about themselves. Chertow makes it sound like he was the greatest ever and is continuously on the prowl to scam someone.
  4. I've never seen someone get as much mileage from just making it to the Olympics and not winning an NCAA title. You'd swear Chertow was every bit as accomplished as John Smith if you listen to him talk.
  5. https://queensathletics.com/news/2024/3/14/mens-wrestling-queens-university-announces-athletics-update.aspx
  6. If you bet with certain people they are going to just let it slide. They'll come break your legs.
  7. Didn't Brooks say something like how all other religions are fake last year?
  8. If a wrestler was Hindu or Muslim, doing that would make people lose their shit in about .03 seconds.
  9. Figueroa wins. Bailey beats Chlebove at 33. Vasquez over Belton. Parco over Lamer.
  10. I think people in his administration stopped him from doing some really egregious things. I'm sure some of the things his kids or son in law and related people did, were given the green light based on his bottom line. Knowing the kind of person Trump is, "What's in it for me?", it is safe to assume that someone with that kind of attitude and a history of being a shady kind of guy who doesn't like paying his bills, it seems like he had done that. If he manages to gain power again, he has blatantly said he is not interested in properly governing, just planning on his revenge against people he doesn't like. That doesn't sound like somebody who should be president.
  11. His failing of understanding how being president works. You can't run it like a business. You aren't a dictator, despite his promises to become exactly that. He won't make the same choices and will only go with people who do what he says without questions. So God forbid he gets elected again, you're going to get somebody less in touch with reality who governs based on what is good for him personally. Not what is in the best interests of the country.
  12. Lower taxes on rich people and figure out how to profit from his activities as president?
  13. Maybe among people who don't like him. But among the rest of the world, he's actually a capable leader. Comparing Biden to Trump is a no brainier. Biden at least cares about our country and our reputation. Trump would gladly sell us out if it benefitted him somehow. There really isn't much of an argument to suggest Trump is less embarrassing than Biden.
  14. I actually am pleased that our president isn't a laughingstock and isn't getting in Twitter fights with teenagers. I know it isn't exactly a high bar, but Biden has the decency and common sense to behave like an adult. I don't think he is doing anything extraordinary, but his plans for being president don't include taking revenge against people who don't like him.
  15. I think his being placed in that position of power showed us who he really is. Like the thing with Ferrari. Just gave them enough attention and they show us who they are. I honestly wish Trump had just pivoted and said, ok the election is over, and acted like a decent and honorable person. He is neither.
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