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  1. Might have been Zeke Jones, since he lost in the Olympic finals to a North Korean.
  2. Hey @Husker_Du you can eat shit as far as I'm concerned.
  3. I'm sure some people complained, but it wasn't a concern that many people had a thing with. It was mostly like, ok it happens, people come here to wash dishes and pick fruit, good for them. It isn't like people are crossing the border to take high paying jobs. Personally I don't know why it's even a big deal. It's just convenient politically to demonize people you don't like who don't have any way of fighting back.
  4. Weird because I live in a state that borders it and nobody complained until it was politically expedient to do so. Easy to blame the ills of society on people who have no voice.
  5. Most drugs enter through legal ports of entry. You would have to close it entirely to stop drugs. That will never happen because of capitalism. Child trafficking happens the same. You'd have to close legal points of entry and not let anyone come here at all. Tell me again how you don't know what you're talking about.
  6. I have always been fascinated by their wrestling. They barely attend other tournaments, and the wrestlers they do send tend to be really good. I just wonder what their training is structured like.
  7. What is that exactly? Unless you stationed the military at the border with orders to shoot on sight, the wet dream of a bunch of people here, you aren't going to stop people who are coming here out of desperation. When I hear the usual prattle about "shut the border", that tells me those people don't know what they are talking about. Doing that would cause significant and irreparable financial harm to a lot of people. Economies would crash almost overnight. Let's be honest, this isn't about drugs or crime. This is about blaming immigrants for problems that existed before they were blamed and the opportunity to shit on people who can't really do anything.
  8. Supremacy clause of the US constitution. That's why.
  9. Supreme Court shoots it down and puts this myopic adventure to rest. Now she just has to worry about the discovery during the penalty phase of the civil trial she admitted defeat in.
  10. Only a few of those guys look like they would be a threat to Lee. The dark horse in that group is North Korea. They usually don't send somebody who isn't good. Also cool to see some less represented countries going, Madagascar, Sierra Leone, Hong Kong (I know it isn't a country).
  11. Burroughs didn't weigh in today.
  12. Wonder who Garrett is going to blame his losing on. Lizard people?
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