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jchapman last won the day on June 30 2023

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NCAA Qualifier

NCAA Qualifier (11/14)

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  1. Why do you disrespect Lucas Stoddard so much?
  2. So is that tie officially on his record? Was the All-Star Classic an exhibition at that time?
  3. You really think Mocco would wipe the floor with Jackson and Taylor? Jackson was an Olympian as a 19 year old, and Taylor was an Olympic Medalist. Both guys were way bigger than Konrad, and Mocco didn't wipe the floor with Konrad.
  4. Earl McCready went three for three with three falls in the finals. Dick Hutton was 3X NC, 4X Finalist.
  5. Cary was on the Badger coaching staff and left mid-season. The rumors were that it was because it was an awkward situation with the Steiners there too (these guys were all still competing internationally in the same/similar weight class).
  6. Don't offer full scholarships to in-state guys (eg Askren).
  7. Not a national champ, but John Peterson never qualified for state in high school, placed fifth at NAIA, then won an Olympic Gold and Silver, and World Silver and Bronze.
  8. Is the social media student three feet tall?
  9. You are forgetting he redshirted in junior high. He is 27.
  10. Mrs. Marinelli is still young, she has time to ascend to a HC job.
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