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Eagle26 last won the day on April 12 2024

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  1. I’d pick Blaze, but you are right those three are on another level and there’s no wrong answer. Bassett and Forrest are right there on that level too… just not in the same graduating class
  2. You are right it is a matter of preference. However, continuing with your analogy, freestyle is like a ribeye, folkstyle is like a T-bone, and Greco is like a McDonald’s hamburger. At some point the product itself is limiting. Sure, you will find some people that would rather have a hamburger, and some people may have never even gotten to taste a well marbled steak. But most that are truly experienced with all three options are going to prefer a steak. And the smart ones prefer the ribeye
  3. I’m tempted to pick Team USA at every weight because it a possibility at each weight. However if I’m being totally honest who I think is most likely, these are my picks. Lee Musakaev Sidakov Brooks Taz Zare
  4. I just meant that the scoring is easier for a casual fan to understand than the current high school rules.
  5. Well right now, a tech fall from the “take him down, let him up game” would take 15 take downs. Under the new 3 point takedown, if we made it a 20 pt tech fall, it would only take 10. So it’s still a huge improvement from what we have now. I’m not totally opposed to keeping it at 15, but I think 20 is more consistent.
  6. Yes, I was trying to not be biased and give a legit prediction. However, I’m not sure it’s fair to say that MFS getting 6 medals is just doing “as thought”. I definitely agree that we are capable of all 6, but a lot has to go right for that to happen. I am thinking 4-6 medals for MFS, 4–6 for women’s, and 0 for GR
  7. I’m going to say we get 10 medals between the three styles
  8. Well I do think there’s a difference between worlds and Olympics as far as emphasis on country. But in my opinion, yes, I still think you should be rooting for the guy representing your own country at a world level competition. I wouldn’t be that upset about it at worlds (especially if you’re rooting against Downey lol), but the Olympic is all about countries competing against each other. You’ve gotta root for your home team there. Country is bigger than any one individual.
  9. If any USA citizen is rooting against their own country in the Olympics based on what college the athlete attended, that is really sad IMO. I would sure hope all the PSU fans will be rooting for Spencer, and I think most of them will be especially since he is from PA. But you are probably right that some will find it hard to root for him over RBY.
  10. Just think about what Retherford had to endure this weekend… a brutal weight cut with two weigh ins, 7 matches against extremely tough competition, and had to deal with that huge gash above his eye (I know he’s probably used to that by now lol). But seriously, what a warrior!
  11. Super excited for Zain and Spencer! They have both been through a lot and they earned their trip to Paris for sure!
  12. Bummer! It was close, but I don’t think Zain stopped his momentum enough to say he initiated that. So unfortunately, I think it’s the right call. Sucks, but I think/hope Ochir can make the finals and pull him through
  13. Wow! Lee survives… barely. I don’t have as much confidence in him as I did before, but hopefully he can get the job done!
  14. I don’t think he ever saw a cradle before lol. I guess he thought blue did something to trip red backwards while he was locked in the cradle
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