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  1. Well I mean now one of Epstein associates/ co-defendants on a rape law suit has now been convicted
  2. Trump literally said in an interview 2 days ago that he never said lock her up. that is current news https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2024/06/trump-most-audacious-lie/678583/
  3. TDS is me admitting that Biden sucks and lies? Mspart made a whole post about Biden lying but would never make a post about trump lying. BDS
  4. So Trump did not falsify his business records and listed a hush money payment as a legal expense?
  5. The party of law and order when someone they like goes through the process of law and order and gets convicted :0
  6. I read the part of the report where they say literally only 10 percent of abortion patients have never used contraception. The point of contention is JT saying abortions used as birth control therefore anyone with a repeat abortion is just using it as contraception. A study that you literally provided says only 10 percent of abortion patients did not use contraception so JTs statement doesn't really hold any water
  7. direct from the article "Only a small proportion of abortion patients (10%, not shown) reported that they had never used contraception, and in the multivariable model these women were less likely to report that they had a prior abortion (OR: 0.81; 95% CI: 0.67–0.97). However, this association was tenuous as it was not significant in either of the models generated for sensitivity analyses (not shown)." So the majority of these pregnancies were caused due to failed contraception and not the main source of contraception like JT is saying
  8. Very solid. @mspart care to reply?
  9. where is the evidence people are using abortions as birth control? Since these people supposedly only use abortion as contraception no one else should be allowed? Where do you get the data that half of abortions are repeat?
  10. they had no trials or convictions. very hard to compare to Trump lmao moving the goal posts
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