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Everything posted by mspart

  1. Some data: https://cis.org/Report/Estimating-Illegal-Immigrant-Population-Using-Current-Population-Survey Notice the time line; From 2016 to Feb 2022 (almost 2 years ago). Notice that the numbers declined per DHS figures. And notice the massive drop that occurred just before Biden came into office Jan 2021. Now notice the rise since Biden came into office. Make your own conclusions. mspart
  2. From https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/2024/national/ Interesting going back and forth. mspart
  3. So you think current immigration law is too complicated? Why wasn't it too complicated 4 years ago? Biden did issue EOs to fix the issue. He removed Trumps policies. Now worse border control. You just can't see the forest for the forest. mspart
  4. 1. I understand them. Why do you think Dem cities and states are screaming about illegal immigration right now? Correlation does not equal causation unless you can show what changed. Biden changed the policies and we have an out of control border. That is causation. Bad before, worse now. What changed? The policy. ipso facto. 2. So your argument here is that Trump had worse legal immigration so we should compensate that for worse illegal immigration? Makes no sense. mspart
  5. Explain why Biden cannot enforce current immigration law. mspart
  6. Inflation causes things to cost more to make. So to keep the prices the same, you get to purchase less of a product for the same money. Or you get to pay more for the same amount of product. Inflation 101. mspart
  7. Only in your mind. Trump had the border under control. By any measure Biden has the border completely out of control. So anyone with logic can put 2 and 2 together and figure this out unless they don't want to. mspart
  8. Biden is also on record saying he will close the border if the new bill passes IF the border gets overwhelmed. So why pass a new bill? Apparently the border is not overwhelmed now. He could close the border at any time by enforcing current law. He is being disingenuous. mspart
  9. Nope: https://www.npr.org/2020/09/14/912060869/biden-pledges-to-dismantle-trumps-sweeping-immigration-changes-but-can-he-do-tha Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden is pledging to dismantle the sweeping changes President Trump has made to the American immigration system, if he wins the White House in November. mspart
  10. I'll bet that smoked up real nice!! mspart
  11. ^ This. I can't stomach them much anymore, but every once in a while.... mspart
  12. Yah, I find it very interesting too. That's why I have been asking for more info on Trumble. Thanks for posting. mspart
  13. https://cliffmass.blogspot.com/2024/01/the-cold-truth-about-renewable-energy.html Cliff Mass of University of WA explains that for the local area (pacific northwest), wind turbines and solar are not good solutions during cold snaps and heat snaps when energy demand is the greatest and wind and solar are at their lowest. At very cold and very hot moments, there is little wind as the baro conditions don't allow for wind which he shows in various graphs. In the winter we get no sun so solar is not really a good option around here. Summer, we do get more sun but again it is not a reliable resource. This is not to say there aren't benefits of both wind and solar. But this is to say we cannot get rid of the current power grid of hydro, natural gas, and nuclear and concentrate on wind and solar. They cannot provide the energy needed at peak demand times. An interesting data driven observation. mspart
  14. Toyota has been on that path for some time. Hybrids make a heck of a lot more sense really. Until something changes and EVs can "gas" up in 10 minutes and give another 300-400 miles before repeating, EVs will be an in town only solution weather permitting. mspart
  15. I am torn a little on this issue. Ohio Elite brings up a good point. Biden swore up and down that he would drop Trump's immigration policies. Now that that has become a real problem, Biden wants R help to help him fix it. Problem: 1. The situation needs to be fixed, needed it before the problem started. 2. To give Biden a win on this would not be in the Rs self interest, but would be in the country's best interest. 3. Biden says he will close the border after the bill passes IF the border gets overwhelmed. In straight talk that means he ain't gonna do nuttin'. He will just be able to say he got immigration bill passed. No actual change. What to do? I can tell you that the bill as it currently states 5000 illegals a day will be allowed is a no go item. 0 illegals. Period. 5000 is more than Trump allowed in by a long shot. No way. So that legislation is dead unless it is changed dramatically. Something needs to be done, but it needs to be done in such a way that Biden must administer the law as it is written and with 0 illegals allowed in. No more asylum claims. If we could guarantee that Biden would abide by a 0 illegal law, then I am for it. If not, then no. Do it when Rs have a majority and the White House. Current bill is just bad politics, bad business, and bad national security. mspart
  16. Thanks for that MP. Until today/yesterday I had not heard of him. Indeed it sounds like he is an up and comer. I'm not as well informed as some around here. That's why I stick around. Learn some stuff. mspart
  17. It is all a ruse for when he has his first fight. He'll have fists of lightning then. No doubt. mspart
  18. I have not heard of Trumble. Sounds like an up and comer. Captain America has to be defeated at some point I suppose. I just don't think this is the year for that. mspart
  19. Genocidal behavior would be to wipe out all Gazans. Has that been attempted? mspart
  20. That is democracy at work according to the D's. Subvert the laws and regulations to get a desired outcome, that's democracy. In what universe is the vineyard and Beverly Hills low income? mspart
  21. What? Citing the actual language of the law in question is going way over the edge? mspart
  22. I have no disdain for assault survivors. Where did you get that? I have disdain for declared assault survivors that cannot remember when it happened. You claim a man sexually assaulted you but cannot remember the year? Preposterous. The judge should have thrown it out as frivolous. mspart
  23. This is complete nonsense. Here is what you are proposing. Let Hamas do what they want and retreat like cowards. Don't allow Israel to forcefully find these miscreants. If Israel somehow gets ahold of them, they can put them on trial only. Israel cannot declare war on Hamas no matter what Hamas does to them. That is where your line of illogic leads. Hamas was brutal and indiscriminate. Israel has the right to do the same. You will notice Israel took no unilateral action until Hamas attacked. There was a peace so to speak. Israel did not decide to invade Gaza. Gaza decided to invade Israel. And now Israel cannot defend itself. mspart
  24. This is where it feels that you are purposefully being dishonest. You dismiss questions you don't want to respond to by asking stupid question designed to divert attention. You play the classic card of a professional politician. Never answer and always pivot. mspart
  25. The Ohio law states the following regarding mental health therapy: https://legislature.ohio.gov/legislation/135/hb68 Sec. 3129.03. (A) Notwithstanding section 5122.04 of the Revised Code, no mental health professional shall diagnose or treat a minor individual who presents for the diagnosis or treatment of a gender-related condition without first obtaining the consent of one of the following: (1) At least one parent of the minor individual; (2) At least one legal custodian of the minor individual; (3) The minor individual's guardian. (B) No mental health professional shall diagnose or treat a minor individual who presents for the diagnosis or treatment of a gender-related condition without screening the minor individual for both of the following during the course of diagnosis and treatment: (1) Other comorbidities that may be influencing the minor individual's gender-related condition, including depression, anxiety, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, autism spectrum disorder, and other mental health conditions; (2) Physical, sexual, mental, and emotional abuse and other traumas. ...Sec. 3129.06. (A) Medical assistance provided under the medicaid program shall not include coverage for gender transition services for minor individuals. (B) This section does not apply to any of the following: (1) The circumstances described in section 3129.04 of the Revised Code; (2) Mental health services provided for a gender-related condition; (3) Any services that are not gender transition services. This does not stop mental health therapy, it just puts some restrictions on it. The above is what the bill says. mspart
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