I heard about that. These snowflake warriors at Columbia demanding food after destroying property while illegally occupying a campus building. What a bunch of morons.
We had a wrestler in HS that went to ASU. I was in town on business and decided to go visit. They had both college folks and Sunkist folks there. I don't think they were practicing together but my impression was that the club practiced in the ASU wrestling room.
If people are willing to pay higher prices for their fast food etc, then so be it. If not, then those business owners lose their business and wonder of all wonders, the workers lose their jobs. Now they make $0/hour.
Are all the Pro-Palestine, anti Israel protests helping or hurting the Democrats?
That depends. If Democrats are all nuts, then no. But if there is a sizable majority of Ds that are not nuts, then maybe.
Has anyone talked about Rulon not showing up? I don't think so. I think it would have been a lot of fun. He probably wouldn't get far but it would be fun to see him going at it again after all these years.
I was in Italy last summer with my wife, and we were in Rome walking around. I swear I saw Frank at a bus stop. I didn't go up to him, I never do that. But I swear it was him. Probably not though. But it was fun thinking I did.
I just read that Geothermal is a thing in TX right now. They are moving forward with this clean energy source. Due to a series of bills that clarify the drilling rights etc, it makes it easier for geothermal folks to obtain the resource. This got bipartisan support. Will this be something that we see happening in other states? Seems like a win win. Its readily available and clean. What's not to like?