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  1. On mat Refs have favored NLWC. The review panel has done a decent job.
  2. I obviously missed other thread and singlet pull.
  3. I was really disappointed in the officiating bias towards PSU. Not only did JB win 2 challenges in his match against Nolf, the officials refused to make Nolf engage for 2.5 minutes of 2nd period. He flat out ran with no passivity calls or better yet cautions. And it looked to me the mat official robbed Valencia. The quick replay I saw there was no singlet grab and he BEGGED for it to be confirmed. They should've went to review on their own to confirm. PSU is unreal and awesome. They had officiating on their side trying to make sure they win too!
  4. I don't think Lehigh gets #1 seed at 133. I believe it will go to Fix. We will see though.
  5. This is the correct answer. The interesting part is the 2 guys that wrestled and All American for OU lost in round of 12 their next shot and then transferred. Sad
  6. I too feel for Zan and hope he ends up loving his year at OU and decides to stay. Our RTC is non existent though and has been. We had better guys competing before we had an actual RTC. It's sad.
  7. @poorwrestler...quit trying to steal my Sooners
  8. I don't think Leonard was hired into position he has now. I think it started after Cody hired but I'm not 100% certain.
  9. If you go back and look Mark Cody had most his success when he 1st got there. Then Leonard arrived and the program has been going down. Lou finally started to get good kids and Leonard cans him and takes almost a month to replace him. Yet NDSU who didn't fire their coach was able to replace in 2 days. Joe C needs to connect the dots, read the tea leaves, just do his job and get a leader in that position. Looks really bad on Joe C with his non action IMO.
  10. Leonard deserves some grief yet if athlete signs a NLI they are required to show up or sit out. Portal is not an option. Woodley went into portal late. Why he was able to be blocked.
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