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Junior Varsity (4/14)

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  1. Didn't care for Mendez dusting himself off after the match. It was a brutal match to watch and neither one seemed to interested in trying to score points.
  2. Didn't really learn much about a possible folkstyle match up between these two. Neither seemed particularly interested in taking a legit shot until the very end.
  3. No way was Favre 245. At most he was 225 when he was playing. Same for Steve Young, except I am pretty sure he wasn't even that heavy.
  4. Wilt Chamberlain: High jumped 6'6" Ran the 440 in 49 secs Ran the 880 in 1:58 Shot put 53'4" Long jumped 22' We all know about is basketball prowess International Volleyball Association HOF Reportedly could bench 500 lbs
  5. The techniques that a big fat heavyweight uses to win matches is very different that a leaner, muscular heavyweight. Take a fat guy, have him drop 30 lbs or so and he basically is reinventing himself as a wrestler as the techniques, etc that he used as a fat guy are different from what he has to use as a smaller guy.
  6. A guy like Joe Lee comes to mind. He held wins over guys like David Carr and Shane Griffith prior to entering college. He basically made the line up one time and qualified for NCAA's but was never heard from again.
  7. As a general rule, I don't donate to anybody's gofundme unless I know them personally. Even then, it would only be for something like a medical emergency, death, etc. I couldn't care less that RBY's family can't afford to make the trip to Paris, nor do I care that he is representing Mexico. The whole gofundme to pay for somebody's family to take a once in a lifetime vacation to Paris seems a bit annoying. One would think a 2 time NCAA champ would have some connections in State College and/or Arizona to garner some sponsorships to help his family make the trip. Or they can stay home and watch on TV like thousands of other athlete's families.
  8. This is a brand new joke that nobody has heard. Well done!
  9. Agreed. Spencer too strong, combined with the cut to 57 for RBY = Spencer win
  10. If Spencer wins gold, it wouldn't surprise me at all if he retires and joins the Hawkeye staff. If he doesn't, he may for a sr world title and then leave the shoes on the mat. But who knows, he seems to be enjoying himself and he seems healthy so maybe he sticks around for another cycle.
  11. Was it just me or did his interview prior to wrestling Spencer seem like he was resigned to the fact that he wasn't going to win? He said something along the lines of, "Regardless of the outcome, I'm just glad fans will get to see it." Just seemed like a guy that knew in his gut that he had his work cut out for him and was a longshot to win 2/3 from Lee.
  12. They could cut about half the swimming events to make room for 4 more weights in freestyle
  13. Only good thing about a fix-suriano match up is that it can't go to OT
  14. I've seen a few nasty ones: 8th grade, teammate landed wrong and snapped his radius and ulna about halfway between the wrist and elbow. Looked like his arm was made of rubber Freshman year, JV dual a teammate attempted to trip his opponent and pulled him to the side. Kids leg was blocked and he broke his tib/fib. Sounded like a gun shot went off in the gym. I remember the kids dad jumping over the railing to get to the mat and taking a pretty nasty fall. A kid a few years younger than me had a testicle injury during a match
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