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  1. I could definitely see 1 of them following. It isn't even because they want to follow Taylor, but instead where will they fit into the lineup Messenbrink Haines Facundo, and their incoming freshman
  2. never mind I guess I was focused on a different match when he won his 2 titles lol
  3. I'm pretty sure Parker Keckeisen never won a WI high school state title.
  4. So I just seen he got released from wwe. Is there any chance we can get a wrestle off before the Olympics.
  5. Maylor was a senior. Amos also had shoulder issues 2 years ago at NCAAs and injury defaulted out of that tournament. Zargo and Amos are the only returning qualifiers. No elite recruits. No depth. It will be an ugly year for the Badgers and the used car salesman they have as a head coach.
  6. You have got to be kidding me. This worthless used car salesman excuse for a coach gets extended. What has he done to earn an extention
  7. Man posts like this are going to make have me going to church every week just to pray for the coaching change.
  8. We can name as many names as we want, but if UW moves on from Bono (which they should) the main requirement for whoever gets hired will be to establish a great relationship with the AWA club. They have so many talented wrestlers that we need to keep in the state. My personal choice would be Ben Askren because the hire would give the program quite a bit of buzz in the wrestling world.
  9. Bono gets the full blame for the program declining because every All American level guy has transferred away from UW except Barnett and the biggest issue is that the state of Wisconsin has a ton of elite high school recruits that all decide to go elsewhere. Some people in the state blame Askren, but the reality is whatever issues Bono and Ben have is Bonos problem because he needs Ben's athletes but Ben doesn't need Bono.
  10. It has been 5 years and the program is worse than where he started. Also he has let numerous high level in state wrestlers leave and go somewhere else. Whether you blame Askren for them leaving or Bono it ultimately is Bono's problem because he needs them and they don't need him. The program also has 1 returning qualifier and I would bet my life's savings that he is not an All American level guy. It isn't about instant gratification. It is about the program being worse than when he started and his lack of recruiting ability.
  11. The lack of development is an issue, but a massive issue is that Bono hasn't been able to keep any of the top level WI recruits in the state. They are all leaving and going to many other programs, and not just 1 program.
  12. It would be a temporary Band-Aid on a broken program. The main reason Bono needs to be let go is because of all the talent that is in the state going everywhere BUT UW.
  13. That would also be great. I was just suggesting Ben because that hire would get more attention, but Max would also be great
  14. there were numerous people commenting about how Bono is meeting what realistic expectations sould be at WI. A lot said they should be in a tier below PSU, Iowa, OSU, Nebraska, Michigan, and Minnesota which is where they are so he is about where he should be. My point is that the program is not growing and we should be striving to move up to the next tier of Big 10 teams and Bono is not the guy to do it.
  15. I don't think that would happen because AWA would still be around. Ben coaches at 1 location I believe and they have numerous locations across southeastern WI
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