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  1. Does Austin Myers have any eligibility left? I'd love to see MacTruck back on the forum.
  2. Absolutely. I don't agree with, but it's facts. And a poster calling 'dumb post' on it needs to catch a clue.
  3. I'll say what half of you are thinking, 3 black coaches with no connection to the program will go over like a fart in church in Iowa City.
  4. Fair enough, but I've been to both, and Iowa ain't recruiting based on their locale. Greeley isn't the shining star of Colorado either, but there's no comparison between the two.
  5. So Greeley is 30 minutes from Boulder, Denver, Estes Park, and the Rocky Mountains, and Iowa City is 30 minutes away from.....?......Cedar Rapids?!? I understand that you're a homer, so am I, but dude, seriously?!?
  6. If you can't beat 'em, buy 'em.
  7. Really want to bring up the past? I remember when Iowa won trophies and titles with their own wrestlers. Now they buy 2/3 of their points and still can't trophy. How's that working out? I understand that times have changed, but christ, if they even did a half-assed job of developing their own talent this year then they half trophied.
  8. It wasn't, but stealing studs from other teams is not the answer. That does nothing but hurt the sport.
  9. I'm very sorry that Iowa buys 2/3 of their NCAA points yet still can't buy a trophy.
  10. With their own wrestlers. Take away Iowa's store-bought transfers and they take 18th.
  11. As if Iowa cares about that. You don't get the 5th best team money can buy by worrying about stuff like that.
  12. I think you think wrong. Just because it's the same sport doesn't mean that everyone who likes men's wrestling wants to watch women's too. Don't mess with a good thing, keep the women separate.
  13. He liked the style he had mastered, claiming a veterans world title in the early 90's. He was a beast!
  14. Won the war? He just got his ass beat and wrestled like a punk. JB had every right to be pissed.
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