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jross last won the day on March 27 2024

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Big Brain

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  1. Biden and Trump are turds: Biden is a jagged rock that causes pain, while Trump is a golden turd that makes you wealthy but leaves a foul smell.
  2. Sorry folks - you read this and love Duck Duck Go Unfortunately, DuckDuckGo also has a filter bubble and search manipulation effect. It is censoring more results over time. And it still sucks overall with your most common searches. Google is great for maps and shopping. It's search engine is strong in left bias for anything political or culturally sensitive. Like the media, all the search enginees have a bias with how it ranks results and censors information. As we ramp up to the election, going to places like Twitter, Brave, DuckDuckGo, etc. can help pop your filter bubble.
  3. Search engines suck. Like pointed out here and here
  4. Women's College World Series is electric. It's like comparing a Savanah Bananas game to regular baseball. As in no comparison in the fun factor for the audience.
  5. Where is the exact language of this mandate?
  6. Their service supports community rights and governmental authority. The government avoids larger controversy by being neutral and inclusive of all Americans with the red/white/blue nod. The state may choose to consult with communities... but it's the state's supreme authority over local communities.
  7. The colors of the USA represent the principles and freedom to celebrate rainbows.
  8. Pride in country is good, and the state deciding what to do with what is theirs (bridges) is fine by me. Showing pride in the country that gives individuals its freedom could run 365 days...
  9. Upload to https://imgbb.com/ for free and then copy over the image url.
  10. https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-get-my-family-to-paris $5K of $15K raised.
  11. Same - he beats the Americans and seems like a lock... but nope.
  12. Kim wrestled soundly and was in control throughout the match. He sort of got screwed there with two similar positions for no call for 2TD during the match. Then the challenge and loses with no time. I didn't like it. The better wrestler lost partially due to bad reffing. Kim could have scored more during the match, and he tried...
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