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Everything posted by Wrestleknownothing

  1. Now we are getting into the meat of it. Hopefully the load management / resting / nicked up / seed protection portion of the season is over and we get to see all of these match ups. D'Emilio v C Rooks, Smith v Washington, Van Ness v Gomez, Facundo v Hamiti (though WS doesn't agree), Kerkvliet v Hilger should all be juicy. 7 p.m. Eastern Ohio State v Indiana - Wrestlestat has it 31-3 anOSU Heinselman 9 - 4 Moran 3-0 Mendez 11 - 3 Porter 7-0 D'Emilio 8-5 C Rooks 10-0 Sasso 13 - 4 G Rooks 14-0 Gallagher 6 - 7 Gilcher 14-3 Kharchla 12 - 3 Major 18-3 Smith 10 - 5 Washington 21-3 Romero 14 - 2 Harris 25-3 Hoffman 7 - 4 Willham 28-3 Orndorff 7 - 4 Bullock 31-3 https://www.wrestlestat.com/compare/dual/55/ohio-state/33/indiana 9 p.m. Eastern Penn State v Wisconsin - Wrestlestat has it 25-12 PSU Steen 2 - 10 Barnett 0-4 Bravo-Young 12 - 4 LaMont 4-4 Bartlett 10 - 3 Zargo 7-4 Van Ness 7 - 8 Gomez 7-7 Barraclough 8 - 6 Model 10-7 Facundo 1 - 17 Hamiti 10-12 Starocci 17 - 3 Otto 14-12 Brooks 19 - 3 Dow 19-12 Dean 9 - 3 Amos 22-12 Kerkvliet 9 - 2 Hilger 25-12 https://www.wrestlestat.com/compare/dual/60/penn-state/77/wisconsin
  2. I was at a conference in June where Scaramucci spoke. These were the questions submitted to him by the audience.
  3. I tried looking, but couldn't find anything. Since the round was chambered I fired anyway.
  4. Dan Gable is The King First a pretty graph showing the years that each coach coached and the percentage of the bracket that AAed each year. The % of a bracket to AA takes into account both the bracket size and the number of AA's each season (which was variable over the time period). The assumption is that the higher the % of the bracket to AA, the easier it is to AA. I don't know if this is exactly correct. In the open era with more wrestlers in the bracket there is, I believe, a higher incidence of soup cans. In the qualifying era that gets sorted out before the tournament. So take it with a grain of salt. Next a table. Based on AA's per season Gable is clearly head and shoulders above the rest, with Cael Sanderson a distant second. But I also wanted to adjust for field size and number of AA slots (in spite of the caveat above) so I also calculate the percentage of all AA's available during their tenure that each coach earned. Again, Gable runs away from the field, but now Harold Nichols pips Sanderson as there were between 4 and 8 AA's per weight and between 8 and 11 weights during Nichols' tenure.
  5. Re-dubbing that scene is endlessly entertaining. Thanks for that.
  6. Wait, there's a party? Should I bring an appetizer or a dessert?
  7. I like Bacon's original title: The Chaos Caucus.
  8. Calling them the Taliban20 is flattering to them. The Taliban has an ideology. These guys just like to watch the world burn so they can get hits on Fox News. Check out the grin on Gates' face when he comes up with his swamp/alligator line which makes absolutely no sense, but he knew in the moment would play on Fox.
  9. Whatever Kevin McCarthy is having for dinner I am guessing it tastes bitter.
  10. 33, I think, if nothing else changed. Massively unlikely, but imagine the magnitude of the horse trade that it would require.
  11. More likely I think, though not likely at all, is that McCarthy convinces a bunch of Democrats not to vote so that he becomes Speaker.
  12. "Chop wood, carry water, go for the Speaker of the House ballot record." - Nick Lee That last part was more implied than stated, but if you listen closely...
  13. We are still far from what appears to be the record, 160 ballots (the first 159 requiring majority and the 160th requiring plurality) in 1856. Don't be quitters.
  14. It seems like a lot of people trace ducking/seed protection/decline of duals as a meaningful competition to the idea that the only thing that matters is the NCAA tournament. If that is the case then it seems to me that no tweaking or wholesale changes to how duals is going to do anything to change that dynamic. If this is the case then it seems to me that having a team title decided by a dual format, where qualification is tied to dual results, is the only way to make duals meaningful again. Now, good luck getting a team title based on a dual format to happen.
  15. Mea Culpa. I had a filter on that page. Can't remember why. No one noticed Army was missing too.
  16. The local community college doesn't have a Civics correspondence course?
  17. OK, so I am tired of being a buzz kill. The path for Nebraska is to wrestle the 2023 tournament just like they wrestled the 2022 tournament. Last year 75% of their team wrestled at or above their seeds. They do something like that (along with continue to improve at their current pace) and third is not out of the question.
  18. Not exactly. If you total includes bonus points then 65 is not enough. It would have gotten fourth in zero of the last thirteen tournaments. However, if you are arguing for 65 placement and advancement points (i.e. Robb and Labriola win) PLUS bonus (roughly 78 points total) then it would have been good enough to take fourth in seven of the last thirteen.
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