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Everything posted by Wrestleknownothing

  1. God, I hate intermission. But, I get it, after a tough first half these guys need a rest.
  2. I view it as sending a message. You can only win if you can get up and out. You are not getting up or out.
  3. The freestyle discussions can be found in the international forum.
  4. The answer is one more. Its always one more.
  5. I feeling like you were looking at @ionel when you said that
  6. Nick Lee getting decked by Ryan Diehl after beating him 22-10 two months prior.
  7. I will take the other side of that bet. Put me down for $1 trillion in a basket of LUNA, UST, and a few coins I will invent if I lose the bet.
  8. 52.1 plus bonus. The first place team usually scores around 24 bonus points. But that seems unlikely if you only score 52 advancement and placement points, so lets call it 15 bonus. That gets you around 67 total. The last time that would have won was 1960 when the tournament was only scored to four places and first place was only worth 10 points. But this way is more democratic.
  9. An oversight? Or do you think there is no chance for Diakomihalis?
  10. I think the coaches are on to something. The way to keep PSU off the podium is to keep them out of the tournament.
  11. Its not stupid. Its schtick. "Woe is PSU. They are going to loose this dual. I am a big PSU fan, but what will we ever do?" When is the last time you picked those weaklings from State College to win a dual? Last year you had Iowa winning 21-9, for example.
  12. https://www.ncaa.com/news/wrestling/article/2023-01-19/ncaa-releases-first-coaches-ranking-2023-division-i-wrestling-championships To qualify for the rankings a wrestler muat have 8 matches against D1 opponents (who are also not teammates). So there are a lot of wrestlers who haven't hit that criteria yet, but will. Spencer Lee, RBY, and Yianni Diakomihalis are missing, for example.
  13. I remember my parents saying that, too. My dad was from Philly and my mom was from Queens. Not sure which one, or both brought it to the midwest.
  14. I'm glad you asked, even if you didn't exactly ask.
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