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Posts posted by Wrestleknownothing

  1. 32 minutes ago, nhs67 said:

    Parris vs Batirmurzaev for Gold.

    Parris beat him 11-0 at Worlds last year.  Batirmurzaev was up 4-2 when he pinned Geno, FWIW.

    He is capable of beating Parris.  He was up on Zare a couple years ago before he CRASHED 21-10 (yeah it's a football score...).


    If you were a Chicago White Sox fan you would realize it is also a baseball score.

  2. 1 hour ago, Ohio Elite said:

    Tom Ryan just texted me. Here is the deal. Davino takes an RS this upcoming season. Bouzakis and Mendez hold the weight. The following season 25-26, Bouzakis and Mendez move up giving Davino the 133 spot. 

    Side note: Marcus Blaze projected at 197 for the Buckeyes.

    I swear, All of this is TRUE!!  

    jurassic park deal with it GIF

    I have bad news. I stole Tom Ryan's cell phone.

  3. 1 hour ago, Truzzcat said:

    In an interview Jesse said he wished the match was at 65 but he was going to take it no matter the weight. I really sold my stock on him after his true freshman year but I don't know that I have seen someone get better nearly every time I see them wrestle in the way that he has.

    I remember feeling pretty good about his freshman year. Sixth place as a true freshman at a tough weight made me a buyer.

    • Bob 2
  4. 15 minutes ago, ionel said:

    I always assumed if Hutton had a different ref finals Jr year he would've won thus no one would've cared about Cael and Penn St would still only have one title.  🙄

    And if he had a different ref senior year, he would have lost.

  5. Last night @Jason Bryant pointed out that in Jesse Mendez's corner was newly minted Hall of Famer Logan Stieber (Distinguished Member category). And over the weekend, @Iwrite was kind enough to share with us the bio for the third Banach Brother, Steve, who was inducted into the Hall of Fame in the "Outstanding American" category.

    This got me thinking about who would be the next wrestler to get into the Hall of Fame based primarily on college and international achievements.

    I took a quick perusal of the Distinguished Members category by year (https://nwhof.org/hall_of_fame/awards/Distinguished_Member?page=1) and estimated that in the last 25 years there have been between 50 and 60 honorees who were there based primarily on college achievements, or a combination of college and international with a heavy dose of college. So let's say 2 to 3 get in next year. Who are those guys?

    One caveat, a wrestler has to be retired for 5 years to be eligible (and I believe that is five years from any combat type?).

    Some ideas:

    • Cole Konrad - 4x AA, 3x finalist, 2x champ in college (4,2,1,1). Pan Am Gold while in college. World University Gold. Bellator heavyweight champ.
    • Steve Mocco - this one might come with a caveat. He is already in the HOF as a Glen Brand honoree (for wrestlers from Iowa) and a Dave Schultz honoree (high school). Maybe the Brand and Distinguished Member are mutually exclusive?
    • Tommy Rowlands - 4x AA, 3x finalist, 2x champ in college (2,1,6,1). University World Champion, Pan-Am Champion, 2x U.S. Open Champion, and 6x U.S. National Team Member.
    • Ben Askren - No brainer. 4x AA, 4x finalist, 2x champ in college (2,2,1,1), 2x Hodge Award. Olympian, Pan Am Gold, World Grappling Champ, ONE and Bellator Champ.

    Who have you got?

    • Bob 3
  6. 48 minutes ago, Jimmy Cinnabon said:

    After Kerk and Pindrickson I'm not sure how the rest of the rankings should shake out.  With Keuter winning U23s does that slot him in at #3?


    1. Kerk

    2. Pindrickson

    3. Keuter?


    Add a one in front of that three.

    His best win last year was over Konner Doucet. Doucet was also losing to low AA (Slavikouski) / R12 (Taylor, Heindselman) guys, so that is the range Kueter belongs in, call it 10 - 15, to start the season.

  7. 12 minutes ago, SetonHallPirate said:

    Somewhat surprised the football coaches would let him spend a year of eligibility (his football redshirt was taken last year) on wrestling...he is a football counter, after all. (by rule)

    Maybe they are anticipating the removal of scholarship limits, but the imposition of roster limits, and thinking of it as a way to park an athlete off roster?

  8. 5 minutes ago, mspart said:

    Yeah, we worked from home and then were told to work in office 4 days a week.   We get to work from home 1 day a week.   I resisted at first with the same comments braves is making.   I have been out for 2 months working from home for the last 3 weeks.  I can't go into the office so it is good to have this opportunity.   But I am ready to go back in, I just need someone to take me as I can't drive anymore for awhile.   I like working in the office.   More and better connections with coworkers.   But being at home once a week is nice too.  


    Sorry to hear about the driving.

    I am of a like mind. I enjoyed going into the office. My employer, at the time was one of the last to close and first to open. I was able to work from home, but chose to go to the office four days a week. But now we have a new owner with no office near by. So I work from home every day. While there is an upside to the lack of commute, I miss the socialization.

  9. 15 minutes ago, PNWfan said:

    I think Gable has a smart plan. Give the NFL a try and maybe he beats the odds, makes the team, and turns into an impact player, in which case he is making a living on an NFL salary. If he doesn't make it in football, assuming no catastrophic injuries, he is most likely good enough to come back to wrestling and instantly be the top USA guy at 125kg and easily a top 3 guy in the world with his sights set on the 2028 Olympics in Los Angeles.

    Makes sense to me too. If he does not make the Bills' 53 man roster and does not get signed to a practice squad, then he will still have time to wrestle this year. Though, I am not sure what the eligibility/ transfer rules are with regard to that.

  10. 26 minutes ago, Pinnacle said:


    High level of weight cutting at Penn State? Not from what I can tell. Keep in mind what we are talking about here, a record setting squad where the only two guys who started for them this year who ever had wrestled at a higher weight were Beau Bartlett and Bernie Truax. Bartlett spent time as a pudgy 149 and is now an NCAA finalist at 141 and Bernie Truax who while he wrestled one year at 197, he also wrestled at 149, 165, 174 and 184 where he competed at Penn State. 

    You can add Max Dean to that list too. He was forced to go up to 197 because he could not beat Aaron Brooks, just like Truax (and Bartlett with Nick Lee).

    • Bob 1
  11. 4 minutes ago, Threadkilla said:

    Your TDS is strong.

    Standard deflection and denial from someone who suffers from the real concerning form of TDS, the one that blinds you to all he does, the one that makes you believe he has not earned his conviction and additional charges, in spite of his entire career being spent in a court room by his own choice and through his own actions.

  12. 2 minutes ago, Threadkilla said:

    Every time I seach something on Google,  the first articles that show up are MSM bullshit,  this is in spite of setting preferences to avoid CNN, NBC, MSNBC.  CBS etc.   So,  I checked to see the MSM take on Trump at the UFC where he received a thunderous applause,  the MSM was silent,  not one CNN, NBC, MSNBC article showed up.  just Fox and nore conservative media and local affiliates,  The leftist media has been a clown show for decades, If people still get their news from Morning Joe, Maddow and company we will continue to have the vagina hatters and queers for Palestine,  when Trump gets back in office Lord willing,  I hope we go scorched earth on the propogandist ***duck**s.  

    Journalistic Integrity used to be a thing and people would get fired for one lie. 

    Today they act as though they are given a script and parrot the same phrases and talking points on each network.  

    Interesting that you bring up one lie as a reason for getting fired and support for Trump in the same post, but do not see the irony.

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