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Everything posted by PortaJohn

  1. If Feldkamp goes to any Michigan universities will it be the most genius move Tom Brands ever made? Asking for a friend
  2. I'm loving this. Can we get a how dumb can Jimmy go meter?
  3. Well, maybe USC or UCLA so it could just be a university with great weather
  4. Just putting as many future Cinnabon threads into one thread so we don't clutter the board - Is David Taylor the next coach at Iowa (Swap out DT for Cox, Burroughs, Dake, etc) -Is Angelo Ferrari the next Spencer Lee -Michigan will beat PSU in a dual -Iowa should hire Spencer as HC now -Terry Brands spills the beans on Tom Brands -Penn State needs to build a Dan Gable statue -Spencer Lee vs Alexander Karelin -Should Penn State seek another National Title -Mineo reporting on twitter: Spencer Lee to Iran
  5. Who is the source for this rumor? Mineo? HR? and if HR which poster?
  6. You dont get it. @Interviewed_at_Weehawken aka Alexander Hamilton still has beef with everything Pennsylvania. It goes all the way back to the Whiskey Rebellion. He's still not over it. Reed through his comments. All anti PA
  7. Yes Anthony Ferrari's commitment and his plans to join the program — he has not officially signed yet, but projects at 157/165 — rubbed Chittum the wrong way. He didn't dive into details in his brief conversation with the Register, but he allowed that he'd rather leave Iowa City than be teammates with the Ferraris. - Cody Goodwin
  8. Come on Willie. Spill the beans. Are we looking at a mutiny?
  9. Now that he's back in his home town of Philly it's hard to see him move away. Before anyone asks camden is part of the Philly metro area
  10. It was. cramping in posts at work and didn't get a chance for my second point. There are wrestlers out there that have styles that would compliment Iowa. Not that any of theses wrestlers are possible to bring on as staff but guys like Burroughs, Cox, Retherford, and others all have styles that would fit in well with the Hawkeye style. I don't think they'd have to abandoned the "Iowa Style" to move forward. apologies if this is incoherent
  11. My opinion is a shake up in the coaching staff would only be good if they brought in coaches from outside the Iowa network.
  12. I saw your comments on here and HR and you've been nothing but consistent on your opinion of the Ferrari clan. Wondering your thoughts on blowing it up and sending T&T out to pasture. I think a fresh start is the way forward in Iowa City
  13. Shocked Jimmy hasn't posted this video yet of Vito Arujua trashing Spencer Lee
  14. Reach out to @82bordeaux on getting you BWI money. But you have to bring your Gif game
  15. Am I the only one offended that we're calling all these great wrestlers two timers? They all completed their careers with the school that recruited them except for Suriano who's the only two timer on this list, or is he a three timer, or twice a two timer?
  16. I think the offseason is making you a little loony. You've shown you know your wrasslin knowledge but Amine over Starrocci. Come on! It's not just that Starrocci is very good it's that he's stylistically a terrible matchup for Amine
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