I've read a lot os Sowell's work and although I may disagree with a lot of his conclusions I've always found him to be thoughtful and his work far from being labeled nonsense
Lmao! I trained actual professional fighters you've seen in the UFC...I'll even pay for your plane ticket but the deal is you'll have to reimburse me when you lose to little man Wille from Easton PA
Sewers are one of the most important human advancements in history. They have prevented waterborne diseases from being spread and are one of the biggest reasons you and your loved ones have a longer life expectancy. Next time you take a swig of clean water thank the sewers. Show some respect
Curious. Is Clemson's Noel Loban accounted for as a NY wrestler or does England get credit. How are wrestlers like Beau Bartlett accounted for? Pennsylvania or Arizona?
Dumb bait. If you're going to play this stupid game. Pol Pot, Stalin, Mao Zedong. Now get back on topic. Have to go. Hopefully Mr. Self Proclaimed genius can actually make a point on topic
Hitler has nothing to do with this conversation. Stop being a wuss. You're the self proclaimed genius calling everyone else dumb. Stay on topic. Make your case.
PS. I have to take the kiddos on some errands. Hopefully when I return you can make a coherent response
I'm still waiting. To everyone else on the board this is typical commie behavior. They actually don't want to talk about it outside the bubble because then they have to show the world how much of a dog shit ideology it is