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  1. I have to think that DT needs to retain some OSU coaches for the fund raising connections to the traditional program supporters. You know, real-world head coach concerns.
  2. How’d that work out for Cassioppi?
  3. This. From a distance you don’t appreciate how much pummeling is going on. Need to be close enough to hear the thuds. That said, I appreciate the throws and the incredible lift/throws, but I would trade GR for more FS weights if it was an option.
  4. Wait a minute, I understood this was best of three, but announcers just suggested it is two matches cumulative points?
  5. I'll be watching to see who gets the job. Knowledge of SUNY system definitely a plus. When I was at UB they were a D3 school with no football team. Heck of a bowling squad though.
  6. So what is left to see this evening?
  7. I thought he was an ass when he ran into the Gophers huddle during intros back in the day, but hey he was young and dumb. I was an ass at that age also. He has grown and matured and I wish him well.
  8. What did Steiner tell Zil er at the break?!
  9. Is there a quad screen or tri screen for this session?
  10. Those Rudis socks must suck - Jordan has to keep adjusting them. Droopers?
  11. Every top guy gets scouted. Nagao didn’t develop anything else to go along with his boots-in top ride, so when folks figured that out he regressed.
  12. When framed as how the AD might view the program I don’t see many problems for the Brands. On the other hand, Goetz has a history of banging heads with wrestling coaches - she was J Robinson’s nemesis at MN. Of course that may say as much about J Rob as it does about Goetz. I don’t think team performance will be the issue that sinks the Brands, it will be stuff like the gambling infractions and the Ferrari debacle.
  13. Pinnacle with a bunch of AAs too
  14. Unless you’re the ref trying to score that weirdness. This ref had enough and when Andonian’s shoulders grazed the mat he called history’s fastest pin to put an end to that madness.
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