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Everything posted by Fadzaev2

  1. Chuck Yagla was a state runnerup in high school (Waterloo Columbus), was a Junior National Champion and went on to win two NCAA titles, was OW his senior year, made the '80 Olympic team and had much more success that just that.
  2. How about Michigan Kevin Jackson 1 Olympic Gold and 2 World Gold If you count club coaches CKWC.....Sergei Belaglozov 2 Olympic Gold 6 World Gold and 1 World Silver
  3. Someone's brother-in-law.....funny stuff....good, funny stuff.
  4. I knew who Griffith was, but didn't see the connection, but you are right! I think Jeff Jordan should get some serious credit for David Taylor as well.....tremendous high school coach at St. Paris Graham and David was the 1st 4X Ironman champion under Jeff. To this day the only other one is Zahid Valencia. Two of the guys David had beat for his first 2 titles were Boris Novachkov his freshman year, and Logan Steiber his sophomore year. Born in Reno, Nevada, Taylor attended Graham High School in St. Paris, Ohio. As a high schooler, Taylor became a four-time OHSAA state champion with an outstanding 180–2 record and graduated with a 4.0 GPA. He received the Dave Schultz High School Excellence Award in 2009 as the nation's top high school wrestler.[8][9] Jeff Jordan's coaching resume is a great one too. https://nwhof.org/hall_of_fame/bio/3401
  5. GO USA....Best of luck to Spencer and Zain.
  6. Great work.....I vote for you, but only if you eliminate the term "pinfall"......can't it just be pins or falls???? Just image Sandy Stevens, Ed Alverti, Jason Bryant and more saying "winner by pinfall". And I can't imagine Ed Alverti saying "potential pinfall down on mat number 3!"
  7. Make the edit button great again. MEBGA
  8. Why haven't I heard anything of Bajrang Punia in some time????
  9. That's what I'm thinking.....maybe I'll get him out walleye fishing again now!!! Fadz
  10. Nate was a great hire....had a lot to offer, AND, he's one of the most decorated ISU alum's of all time. Nate's had an opportunity to coach David since he was young. This was a "win-win" for ISU and the Carr's. From a distance, it looked like Nate always let the ISU staff....Dresser, Metcalf and company coach David.......Nate was never "in the way". Great man/great son/great family.
  11. I didn't even look at pages 2-4, but I think it was a great move....David going to ISU where his dad became a 3 time NCAA Champions and Olympic Bronze Medalist. And for Nate to come along as coach of their regional training center was a very smart move.....Nate is very good technically (I learned a number of things from him myself), he has a great personality....has a lot to offer the program.
  12. I have said this for years.....anybody can shoot baskets or play catch with a football or baseball, but how many can just go out and wrestle....they might get dirty, break a sweat, rip their clothes and could easily get hurt. I watched WBB this year mainly due to the Caitlyn Clark and then the Reece deal, so that probably helped a lot. A good friend of mine, who was a great Hawkeye wrestler said he had never watched so much girls basketball. I remember in the early 70's, ABC, along with Frank Gifford, focused on Dan Gable, actually did a special on him and his training leading up to the games which included Ben and John Peterson. It did create some interest in wrestling nationwide, but it can't just be a one time thing. Gifford liked Gable so much, that he wrote a book called "Gifford on Courage" (which is in my coaching library). This book included Dan Gable. Also, most of the media people out there, didn't wrestle. Again, they have the basketball and football mentality. That doesn't help the cause. I have to say, the BTN was great this year, which helps and ESPN covered the whole NCAA tournament, but the average viewer isn't going to pay for, or follow wrestling when it's split up between ESPN, ESPN2 and ESPNU......I'm at NCAA's, and I tape it too, but most people aren't going to follow our tournament on three different formats. I also do think Flo and Track help us....although though they have a number of critics. It's too bad ESPN couldn't focus on a superstar in our sport, like Gabe Steveson, Aaron Brooks, Kyle Dake, Jordan Burroughs, David Taylor, etc. like they did Gable....it would be great for the upcoming Olympic Games, and wow, how about the upcoming Olympic Trials. Fadz (45 NCAA's/39 in a row and counting)
  13. But I'm looking for more than that! I'm looking out for the good of all of us!
  14. This was my first thought....but why not unlimited time to edit????
  15. I think Brooks already got OW right after the tournament.
  16. I've never heard Abas pronounced that way......and remember you had Gerry and Stephan Abas in past years....both were very good. Gerry (Jaden's dad) was a 4 time all-american, and his uncle (Stephan) was a 4 time all-american/3 time NCAA Champion and Olympic silver medalist. Stephan was also named to the NCAA 75th Anniversary Wrestling team. Gerry also wrestled in one the the most exciting NCAA finals matches of all time in 1993. It was vs. Lincoln McIlravy and he was way ahead of Lincoln, but Lincoln fought back to an unbelievable 16-15 upset of the highly favored Abas. This was McIlravy's freshman year and Gable brought him out of redshirt right before Big Ten's to beef up the Iowa lineup. And yes, great tournament comeback by Kasak!!!
  17. I believe John Fisher, who is mentioned in this article also has a win over Reinoso
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