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Fadzaev2 last won the day on February 28 2023

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  1. Chuck Yagla was a state runnerup in high school (Waterloo Columbus), was a Junior National Champion and went on to win two NCAA titles, was OW his senior year, made the '80 Olympic team and had much more success that just that.
  2. How about Michigan Kevin Jackson 1 Olympic Gold and 2 World Gold If you count club coaches CKWC.....Sergei Belaglozov 2 Olympic Gold 6 World Gold and 1 World Silver
  3. Someone's brother-in-law.....funny stuff....good, funny stuff.
  4. I knew who Griffith was, but didn't see the connection, but you are right! I think Jeff Jordan should get some serious credit for David Taylor as well.....tremendous high school coach at St. Paris Graham and David was the 1st 4X Ironman champion under Jeff. To this day the only other one is Zahid Valencia. Two of the guys David had beat for his first 2 titles were Boris Novachkov his freshman year, and Logan Steiber his sophomore year. Born in Reno, Nevada, Taylor attended Graham High School in St. Paris, Ohio. As a high schooler, Taylor became a four-time OHSAA state champion with an outstanding 180–2 record and graduated with a 4.0 GPA. He received the Dave Schultz High School Excellence Award in 2009 as the nation's top high school wrestler.[8][9] Jeff Jordan's coaching resume is a great one too. https://nwhof.org/hall_of_fame/bio/3401
  5. GO USA....Best of luck to Spencer and Zain.
  6. Great work.....I vote for you, but only if you eliminate the term "pinfall"......can't it just be pins or falls???? Just image Sandy Stevens, Ed Alverti, Jason Bryant and more saying "winner by pinfall". And I can't imagine Ed Alverti saying "potential pinfall down on mat number 3!"
  7. Make the edit button great again. MEBGA
  8. Why haven't I heard anything of Bajrang Punia in some time????
  9. That's what I'm thinking.....maybe I'll get him out walleye fishing again now!!! Fadz
  10. Nate was a great hire....had a lot to offer, AND, he's one of the most decorated ISU alum's of all time. Nate's had an opportunity to coach David since he was young. This was a "win-win" for ISU and the Carr's. From a distance, it looked like Nate always let the ISU staff....Dresser, Metcalf and company coach David.......Nate was never "in the way". Great man/great son/great family.
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