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Hurricane Wrestling

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State Qualifier

State Qualifier (6/14)

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  1. I remember thinking the same think right before the match started. It was almost as if Taylor could sense it might be a "changing of the guard" type match.
  2. I don't always think criticizing the Brands brothers is warranted, but I enjoy doing it nonetheless.
  3. That's certainly great experience, but your screen name will likely hurt your chances.
  4. Hard to be considered the GOAT if there's that one guy that always had your number.
  5. Maybe he's moving for safety reasons. The Safety Manager where I worked gave the staff a presentation documenting that most serious car accidents occurred within a 25 mile radius of home. So, several of us sold our houses and moved.
  6. J was thinking the same thing. Koll might find the thought of returning to his alma mater appealing,
  7. In a related development, the NCAA has opened an investigation regarding allegations that Messrs. Husker_Du and Bob Dole have been promoting an illicit "sig" betting scheme on the internet. They have retained the services of prominent attorneys Vinny Gambini and Vak Attack to represent them in this matter. Most legal analysts are predicting the alleged wrong-doers will walk away either scot-free or with a Hunter Biden type sweetheart plea agreement. Stay tuned to this forum for further developments.
  8. ...another reason this is such a great forum for true wrestling fans...
  9. Careful or I'll report you to Bob for violating the "i before e except after c" rule.
  10. I dunno, but "Cutter" seems an apt name for one of Coach Smith's wrestlers.
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